Phishing emails disguised as Covid-19 reports

The | The comparison Phishing Emails Disguised as Covid-19 Reports | The comparison

Phishing campaigns using email are not new, but now potential threat actors are taking a new approach. Playing on people's fears and concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic, a sustained phishing campaign has been deployed since May 12 of this year using themes such as the "WHO Covid-19 Situation Report" . The Microsoft Security Intelligence team has issued an alert regarding a phishing campaign using attachments related to Covid-19. According to the intelligence team, this campaign "uses hundreds of unique Excel files with very obscure formulas." However, they all connect to the same URL to download the payload. NetSupport Manager is popular with threat actors who want to remotely access and execute commands on compromised machines. If the phishing attempt is successful, the threat actor will have full access to the user's PC, files, and programs, even if the device is running effective antivirus or antimalware software. While some emails come from John Hopkins University, others apparently offer Covid-19 testing services and virus-related information.

We are following a massive campaign providing the legitimate NetSupport Manager remote access tool using emails with attachments containing malicious Excel 4.0 macros. The COVID-19 themed campaign started on May 12 and has so far used several hundred unique attachments. May 2020

Antivirus is not protection against this attack

An Excel document called the "WHO Covid-19 Situation Report" is embedded in code that stealthily installs the popular remote access tool, NetSupport Manager. When an unsuspecting user opens such a document, the threat actor takes control of the PC, including all files and programs. In the process, other potentially dangerous malware is also installed, which fortunately can be detected and dealt with by antivirus software. Since NetSupport Manager is an official program, antivirus software will not take any action against it. First of all, users should read all the subject lines in your email carefully before opening them. Also, the person sending the email must be known to the user before opening the email that provides authoritative information about Covid-19. Via: LifeHacker