PdfFill Review | technological radar

pdfFill Review | technological radar

pdfFiller is a bundle of end-to-end document management software. It not only lets you edit PDF documents, but also save them online for easy retrieval, cooperate with others on editing, lock documents in encrypted folders, and more.

pdfFiller is made by airSlate Inc, an American software company. airSlate is headquartered in the city of Brookline, Massachusetts. pdfFiller is part of the airSlate Business Cloud, a bundle of software for companies to create and manage documents.

We review pdfFiller based on specific criteria, including cost, support options, user interface, compatibility, features, and more.

Free try

airSlate offers a free thirty-day trial so you can try pdfFiller (Image credit: airSlate)

packages and prices

pdfFiller is free through recurring subscription plans. It has 3 primary cost tiers, starting at €XNUMX per user per month on an annual basis. Their subscription levels include;


Basic implies a single user. This is the ideal plan for individual users. With this plan, you get basic PDF editing features, email support, and cloud storage for your PDF documents.

The basic plan costs € twenty a month monthly. However, if you have to pay for an annual subscription all at once, a whopping 8% discount applies, and you'll end up paying €XNUMX per month for an annual subscription.


The pdfFiller Premium plan offers each and every one of the features of the basic plan plus ancillary features including;

The Premium plan costs €XNUMX a month monthly. However, there is a huge XNUMX% discount if you pay for a one-time annual subscription, which pays you €XNUMX a month. The Premium plan allows up to five users.

AirSlate Enterprise Cloud

You can get pdfFiller and multiple other software tools as part of your airSlate Business Cloud subscription. This plan requires you to contact the airSlate sales team directly to get a quote. It also requires an annual commitment of at least €50 per user per month.

It should be noted that pdfFiller does not let you download your edited documents without a subscription. You can play with it through a free trial, but you can't get your final PDF without payment.


Features of pdfFiller include:

1. Edit PDF documents

pdfFiller lets you add or remove text in PDF documents, copy and paste, add images and other types of content as needed. It lets you make extensive edits to a PDF document just as you would a Word document with word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

2. PDF converter

With pdfFiller you can transform documents from other formats such as Word, JPG, Excel and Powerpoint to PDF and vice versa.


Choose precisely where you want your page numbers to go, like their size (Image credit: airSlate)

2. Combine and Paginate PDF Files

pdfFiller lets you combine different PDF files into one file. You can also add or remove pages, number pages, insert new pages, or reorder pages.

3. Host Fillable Forms

pdfFiller lets you create and host fillable PDF forms. For example, you are a human resources manager in your company and you need personnel to fill in the tax information required to collect payments. You can easily create a PDF form and send links for the team to complete. When the team has completed the required data, they can save it online or export it from PDF to a CRM or Excel file for analysis.

Also, you can collect payments from service customers through PDF forms with pdfFiller. It's exactly the same way you send PDF forms to fill out, but with a payment gateway linked to the form.

encrypted folders

Protect your shared folders with encryption (Image credit: airSlate)

4. Encryption and Security

pdfFiller has multiple encryption and security features that are advantageous for people handling sensitive data. These peculiarities include;

Electronic signature

Easily sign legally binding PDF documents (Image credit: airSlate)

5. Electronic signature

pdfFiller lets you sign legally binding PDF documents with electronic signatures. It is a valuable tool for people who work in legal services.


pdfFiller's web interface is intuitive and well-organized (Image credit: airSlate)

Interface and in use

pdfFiller is free through a web interface. In other words, all you need is a browser like Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox to use its features. IOS and Android apps are free but with limited functionality compared to the web browser interface.

Video tutorials

There are free video tutorials to help you navigate the pdfFiller interface and features (Image credit: airSlate)


pdfFiller offers user support by e-mail or instant chat. E-mail assistance is free in the Basic plan, but you need the Premium plan or higher to access the customer support of the instant chat service. Queries sent by e-mail frequently are answered in one or a couple of days, while Premium users can solve their problems instantly through chat.


pdfFiller's contenders include PDFelement, Adobe Sign, and Nitro PDF Pro. Compared to its contenders, pdfFiller offers much better features. For example, Adobe Sign only allows you to sign PDF documents, while pdfFiller allows electronic signatures and many other functions.

Similarly, Nitro PDF Pro lets you transform, sign and edit PDF documents, while pdfFiller offers that and ancillary features like encryption.

final verdict

In fact, pdfFiller is a very versatile PDF document management system. It offers many attractive PDF editing and management features for individual users and businesses. However, one feature we would like to see is a native pdfFiller desktop application with all the functionality of the web browser interface.

We also introduce the best free PDF editor and desktop software.