Oracle relaunch pushes cloud computing to the limit

Oracle relaunch pushes cloud computing to the limit

Oracle has introduced a new appliance to bring its core cloud computing infrastructure closer to the edge. Oracle Roving Edge (REI) is a new preconfigured appliance designed to be deployed to operate workloads in remote locations. Simply put, the device allows applications to process data generated at edge locations. “They can put that in the back of a plane, they can put it on an oil rig, they can take it to the polar observatory or wherever you think you want to get the benefits of cloud computing, but you don't necessarily have the infrastructure,” Clay said. Magouyrk, executive vice president of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, at the company's Oracle Live launch event.

Military grade portable cloud

The key component of REI is the Mobile Edge Device (RED), which is a portable server node that provides basic IaaS services to the remote location. Magouyrk also said that each RED node has 61 terabytes of storage and 40 processor cores for compute, with 512 gigabytes of memory and an integrated NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU. He added that the hardware makes RED nodes ideal for everything from computing object storage, block storage, virtual network stacking to running GPU-optimized workloads for things like machine learning. According to an FAQ on Oracle's website, each device is pre-configured with customer applications before being shipped. The device is billed per day owned with a minimum rental period of 30 days, and is also offered as a subscription and a single node costs €160 per day. Via: ITProToday