Opera can now block trackers with one click and keep its VPN service free

Opera can now block trackers with one click and keep its VPN service free

Opera 64 is now available and can now automatically block all third-party tracking cookies to prevent advertisers from following you on the web.

This is not just good news from a privacy perspective, as it prevents companies from creating a unique and highly detailed profile based on their online business. Opera developers say it also has a huge performance hit, increasing browsing speed by almost 20%.

You'll find the Tracking Blocking option in Opera's General Settings and in its Easy Settings menu. When enabled, a shield icon appears in the address bar. You can click to see how many cookies have been blocked and enable or disable the feature for the current site.

This feature will be well received by privacy advocates and will blend seamlessly with Opera's existing built-in ad blocking service and free VPN.

Opera is not the first browser to stop unwanted third-party cookies. Mozilla has introduced the option to block them by default when publishing Firefox 63 in October 2018, and make it the default setting when launching Firefox 69 in September 2019.

We've also seen an experimental Chrome feature that allows users to block third-party cookies with a single click, although this shouldn't become the default standard if Google attacks Google's privacy issue. users while preserving their prosperity. Advertising company.

Google has suggested that blocking all third-party tracking cookies means that advertisers might be inclined to resort to more harmful methods to identify Internet users (such as fingerprints), and it proposed a new online ad template using a " privacy sandbox "that allows a certain degree of anonymity.

However, this idea would require a complete rethinking of online advertising as we know it. For now, offering the option to track blocks is one of the best ways to give users control of their data.