Collecting ethical data online should be a default option, not an option

Collecting ethical data online should be a default option, not an option

We live in a data explosion and with continuous change online showing no signs of slowing down, it is imperative that businesses use emerging technologies ethically. One of the fastest growing areas in this area is the collection of publicly available data, and many companies benefit from the information this can provide. But what about the technology behind the data collection process, how can companies be sure they are using ethical suppliers and not harming a fragile ecosystem? We now live in an age where the law alone does not provide adequate guidance on publicly available data collection issues. The rapid pace of technological development, especially in the area of ​​data collection, has outpaced the ability of regulators and legislators to keep pace. Furthermore, and this is a problem faced by all data collection operations today, legal instruments often lack the clarity needed to make difficult ethical decisions that all companies or data collection operators deal with on a daily basis. .

Data-driven revolution

Much has been said about our data-driven economy, especially in 2020, when online data was the primary source of many leading business strategies. However, very little has been said about the ethical issues that we all address when purchasing this fast delivery of critical and efficient online data delivery. Yes, the World Wide Web was supposed to be a powerhouse of information accessible to everyone, but that's not the reality today, especially when it comes to business. What is accessible to someone based in Toronto, Canada, will not be accessible to someone based in Cardiff, UK. For this reason, many trust web information providers. But what specifically should companies look for in the right type of online data collection provider? And why is it important to pay attention to these elements as soon as possible? Let's start with the most important element of all: transparency. For a winning strategy, seek transparency at every stage of your data collection. Take a look at the entire process and see how the provider gets the data, including what the network is based on. It's not always easy to identify good and bad actors. A good place to start is to check the transparency and openness of the provider you are considering. Evaluate how comfortable they are with your network setup, data provisioning process and compliance procedures, and how they respond to security issues. What business cases do you accept and why? What drives this vendor as a whole? How complete should your investigation be? The following aspects will guide you: Consent:
The element of consent goes hand in hand with transparency. Full, clearly stated and detailed consent should always be required for individuals or clients to opt into the data collection network. All vast network of data collection is based on the IP addresses of real people. However, not all require the use of responsible and well-defined methods. You should always ask for full consent in exchange for actual benefit. The conditions of membership must be clearly established. Likewise, opting out should also be as easy as signing up, if not easier. In addition, it is important that registered users are fully aware of what their IP addresses are used for and how their devices are used. As mentioned, any user or peer who provides their IP address to be part of this data collection network must knowingly agree to join the proxy network. The rigor of compliance measures:
As a reminder, the web wanted to be transparent. This transparency is what all providers should aspire to. Online data should serve to promote web transparency and give businesses equal access to the web. The vendor must promote these business cases and be open about their ethical and compliance guidelines. This should be an integral part of your value proposition to your customers, including clearly stating what cases have been allowed or denied in the past and the reasons for denial. Compliance is not just something cool or a quick process to use the much desired data collection network. It should be a specific process that examines the purpose and legitimacy of collecting data online. Compliance must also ensure that the network remains clean and secure from those who wish to use it for fraudulent or illegitimate activities, potentially compromising its operation in the process. Continuous monitoring:
The data collector should be able to articulate how they actively monitor users who attempt illegitimate actions, such as fake engagement on social media channels, etc. They should illustrate and, if possible, have specific and recent audit reports that demonstrate the security and protection of the network. What is essential Data is a powerful and critical tool: it must always be protected and never compromised. Compliance with all main regulations:
Compliance with GRPR and CCPA is an absolute must, and the business must be able to demonstrate adherence to these laws, as well as future emerging laws. As well as being a target for individual users, the industry must also take steps to ensure that the proper framework is in place for the business community, the public sector, the academic community and others to follow. An encouraging development was made earlier this year when a committee, the first of its kind, was created to address all of these concerns. To overcome the challenges, the industry must be aware of them and use its collective strength to adapt accordingly, and this is an important first step.

The power of data

Data has never been more powerful and over the past 12 months we have found that it is the backbone of businesses, helping to anticipate consumer demand and spur innovation. It is the element that most companies cannot live without. That being said, avoiding asking the hard ethical questions puts the entire industry at risk that we will all have to face down the line at far greater cost. Therefore, users and providers need to be proactive in responding to potentially critical issues to prevent problems in the future. It's only been a while since it was able to launch into the path of this and thanks to the data revolution we live in, the time to act must be now. So ask these questions and carefully explore the answers. After all, your trading decision and future strategy largely depend on this specific information. Select paths for continued success based on a responsible and ethical data collection journey.