Nvidia RTX 4090 GPU flexes its muscles in 13K games

Nvidia RTX 4090 GPU flexes its muscles in 13K games

Nvidia's RTX 4090 is a beast for 4K gaming and is even capable of coping with 8K resolutions, but what about 13K? Well, it can also happen, more or less, as one YouTuber demonstrated.

The key to this 13K feat, as you might guess, is finding a game that isn't too demanding, because that's a lot of pixels to manage (even 8K is, to be fair), and in this case that game is Genshin. Impact.

Yes, it's primarily a mobile game, but there is a PC version of the action RPG (and console towers), but due to its mobile roots, the specs are lax (Genshin Impact will run on an Nvidia GT 1030, with a GTX 1060 as the recommended GPU).

As reported by Tom's Hardware(Opens in a new tab), YouTuber Golden Reviewer(Opens in a new tab) ran it on an RTX 4090 at 13760 x 5760 resolution and managed to hit 30 frames per second (fps) in average.

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Now, 30fps is a bare minimum for gaming palatability, meaning it's smooth enough to feel good, but you really want more than that for a really nice frame rate. Most people look to 60fps as a magical step in this regard, but 30fps is playable nonetheless, and a pretty amazing achievement at 13K, in all honesty.

30fps is an average frame rate, of course, so there are occasional dips below 25fps, and that's without much action happening on screen. So, without a doubt, at the bottom of the matter there will be moments of jerks, but it is more a demonstration of feat than a practical exercise.

It's worth noting that Golden Reviewer doesn't have a 13K monitor (and neither does anyone else, as far as we know anyway), so resolution is achieved via upscaling.

In other words, the monitor can't display that 13K natively, but the enhanced 13K (on a lower resolution screen) means it has an incredible level of detail (so much so that you won't need anti-aliasing turned on). for example, to smooth out jagged edges, because everything will be sharp and super sharp right from the start). Golden Reviewer demonstrates how sharp the displayed image is by zooming to a 500% level where the graphics remain absolutely sharp.

The downside is that the in-game textures aren't 13K resolution, of course, which means some blur is introduced on that front.

Still, Genshin Impact looks really impressive at 13K, and one of the video's commenters tried the same trick with an RTX 3090. As always, a pinch of seasoning was needed, but apparently the result was a 12fps frame rate. on average at 13K, which means the RTX 4090 is a big step up here (considering there will be other variables besides the GPU, naturally).

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