Mobile Banking Malware Threats Reach New Heights

Mobile Banking Malware Threats Reach New Heights

Mobile banking malware is a growing threat. New Check Point studies have revealed a 50% increase in attacks this year compared to the first half of 2018. The company's semi-annual report for 2019, Cyber ​​Attack Trends, is based on ThreatCloud data collected between January and June 2019 and highlights the key tactics cybercriminals use to attack businesses. Check Point provided additional information on mobile banking malware in a blog post, stating: "With an increase of more than 50% in attacks compared to 2018, banking malware has become a very common mobile threat. Today in Today, banking malware can steal payment details, credentials, and funds from victims' bank accounts, and new versions of malware are poised to be widely spread by anyone willing to pay."

Banking malware

Mobile banking malware is becoming more prevalent due to the increased availability of malware development kits for sale on the dark web, according to the Check Point report, which states: "So, the makers of mobile banking, such as Asacub and Anubis, may allow the creation of new versions of these malware, ready for mass distribution." The report also revealed that the banking Ramnit Trojan (28%), the Dyre Trickbot variant (21%) and the Ursnif (10%) were the most popular banking malware in the first half of this year. . Check Point also noted that cybercriminals have begun tailoring techniques and methods from the overall threat landscape to specific targets and mobile users. Mobile-based cyberattacks are likely to continue to rise as attackers become acutely aware of the amount of sensitive personal data stored by consumers on their smartphones. Via Computer Weekly