Metroid Dread Reviews | The comparison

Metroid Dread Reviews | The comparison
Metroid Dread is the very definition of refinement. Over the past few decades, Nintendo has gradually improved upon the solid foundation laid by the first entry in the series in XNUMX, and it's mostly worked. Metroid Dread seems like the culmination of everything we've been waiting for. Samus begins her misguided mission on a hostile and convoluted alien planet, deprived of his essential abilities. You will need to explore Samus' new temporary home, earning bonuses and new weapons as you go that will gradually allow you to access new areas that were previously unreachable. As your arsenal grows, new gameplay possibilities appear. You'll be able to turn yourself into a bullet that will let you get through tight spaces, temporarily evade detection by activating a unique ability called Phantom Cloak, and survive through tougher times. But it's a slow, relentless climb until you reach the pinnacle of Samus's potential, and a familiar pinnacle awaits.

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Horror Metroid

(Image Credit: Nintendo) After receiving an unknown video message from the planet ZDR, bounty hunter Samus Labran embarks on a new mission to discover the source of the transmission. Upon arrival, however, it quickly turns out that Samus has been lured to the planet by a great opponent. Samus barely survives her confrontation with this enigmatic new threat and ultimately finds herself trapped in the depths of the planet's convoluted planet. To make matters worse, he also lost his abilities. But that is not the only bad news for our protagonist. Not only does he face a huge chance to return to his ship alive, but he also faces a terrifying new opponent known as EMMI. Previously controlled by the Federation, EMMIs are research robots designed to seize field samples and extract their DNA. They are impressively mobile and well protected thanks to their armor made of the toughest substance in the cosmos. But now they have become thugs.


Horror Metroid

(Image Credit: Nintendo) These mechanical menaces keep an eye on the many convoluted areas of the ZDR planet and will actively seek out Samus if she enters one of their patrol areas. If EMMI warns him, his only chance of survival is to get out of there. If you're captured, you'll have 2 split seconds to escape, but it usually ends in instant death. The EMMI are invulnerable to Samus's attacks, even when gaining new abilities, and can only be defeated when you get the Omega Blaster upgrade: a temporary and powerful weapon capable of destroying the EMMI. When you have the Omega Blaster in hand, you can melt the EMMI armored face shield by hailing plasma bullets and exposing your weak spot. Load up the Omega Blaster, which changes the player's perspective to an over-the-shoulder camera view, and you can stop the EMMI invasion permanently. Well, at least one of them. Escaping the EMMI is an entertaining twist on the game's usual formula, and Samus has multiple ways to escape them, such as the Wraith Cloak, which allows her to turn invisible for a short time. EMMI becomes less of a threat when you're caught and thrown multiple times into the 'Game Over' screen, but the game would be much weaker without it. Defeating the EMMI is a precise task if Samus wishes to reach his ship safely, but you'll also need to research new abilities and upgrades throughout the many rooms and multiple biomes of the ZDR planet. Once achieved, specific bonuses and abilities can help you reach previously unreachable areas. Going back, labeling your card, and looking for secrets are all part of the process. You will need to scour every nook and cranny for missile and energy tank upgrades and ultimately look for skills that can help you thrive.

build back better

Horror Metroid

(Image Credit: Nintendo) "When it all comes together, Metroid Dread can be incredibly rewarding." While Samus is partly wimpy at first, he still rocks the frequent and reliable Arm Cannon of his. However, he also has some new tricks in his bag that make you much more powerful at the start. They also help make the fight more receptive and fluid. Firstly, our intrepid heroine can now crawl under small holes and under opponents without slowing down. It can also melee counter certain incoming attacks, signaled by a bright yellow flash. Choose the right moment and you will destroy your opponents. Countering never fails to make you feel like a badass, and is a vital skill to learn for some more difficult boss fights later on. Speaking of which, the bosses in Metroid Dread are tough. Be ready to die a few times until you understand their attack patterns, as going into gung ho will usually end in a quick death. The game also features some God of War-esque cinematic moments where we see Samus flexing his fighting skills, and it sure is a lot of fun to watch. Samus can also fire his weapons at any angle in Metroid Dread, giving you considerably more control than in previous titles where aiming was strictly limited to diagonals and shooting straight ahead. As the game progresses, you'll need to switch between different types of weapons and abilities to deal with specific challenges ahead, such as better opponents and open spaces that you must navigate. When it all comes together, Metroid Dread can be incredibly rewarding. But those moments are rare, as much of the game is spent getting over the next obstacle using the right tool for the job. It's also not uncommon to deliberately get lost in the game's complex world or not know where to go next. Markers can be placed to mark specific points of interest, but many teleporters in the game only allow travel to mark off areas of each underworld. When you're stuck running through the same rooms and encountering the same opponents while looking for that room you forgot to check, it can be incredibly frustrating. Loading times are also a bit of a point of contention. There is no charge as you travel through each underworld, but hop on a teleporter and you can wait at least 20 seconds before resuming the action. It might not sound like a big deal, but it adds up quickly, especially if you find yourself going back and forth.

Don't set your phasers to stun

Horror Metroid

(Image credit: Nintendo) As superbly polished and refined as it is, Metroid Dread makes the series feel like it's hit a tipping point. Yeah, it's nice to get back to playing another 5D side-scrolling Metroid game (although Metroid: Samus Returns for Nintendo 3DS probably fulfilled that wish in XNUMX). But it's hard enough not to feel more than a pinch of disappointment that nothing has essentially changed since those halcyon days when we first set foot on Planet Zebes on the Nintendo Entertainment System. That's not to say that Metroid's satisfying gameplay loop is broken, per se. Critically acclaimed titles like Hollow Knight, Batman: Arkham Knight and Ori and the Will of the Wisps have successfully followed the “Metroidvania” plan for success. The downside is that these titles have done a lot more to advance the genre as a whole than everyone's favorite bounty hunter of late. Nonetheless, Metroid Dread may elicit the exact same kind of reaction that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword did for many gamers: that the series ultimately requires a Breath of the Wild-like reimagining. Maybe this is something that will give Metroid Prime XNUMX. However, if you're in the mood for a new traditional Metroid title with a few nice twists, Metroid Dread didn't disappoint. For those fed up with retreading on familiar ground, temper your hopes accordingly. Today's best Metroid Dread deals