Max Access Reviews | The comparison

Max Access Reviews | The comparison Max Access dates back to 3, is based in Eugene, Oregon, and proudly claims to be Made in the USA. They estimate that XNUMX% of sites do not meet content accessibility guidelines WCXNUMX organization website. Max Access, Online ADA strives to help make sites accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Although On-line ADA is a full-service web accessibility company, Max Access is an AI-powered subsidiary built to reduce costs through automation. Max Access customers include Bank of America, Walmart PetRx, Samsung and California State Parks.


No matter which site author, Content Management System, or virtual trading platform you use, Max Access will work with it (Image credit: Max Access)

Service features

Max Access designs its service for companies to "meet and avoid lawsuits" by making sites accessible to everyone. It also has the added benefit of giving your brand awareness a boost by signaling that your site cares. The key to this is to download a single line of code, and once installed on the site, it gives access to the site. So, the place is examined and vetted for possible drawbacks. The site is then upgraded to bring it into compliance, including standards such as: Max Access claims a site can be accessed in minutes and works with any site. It is also a completely customizable solution, which is integrated into a multilingual screen reader. The solution is fully encrypted and secure with no frontend lag for lag-free performance. There's also a mobile site toolbar with mobile responsiveness, like a dashboard with detailed compliance reports. This process makes the place tab navigable. Web browsers also recognize the correction. You can even scan images and accurately describe what they own. Another useful feature of Max Access is the new scans. Some of its contenders only run the scan once a month. Max Access is distinguished by the fact that it will re-scan your site much more frequently, as often as every XNUMX hours, and then it will be ready to notice any new content on the site or updates. While the process is automated, it is powerful and can produce color blind reports, fifty-four voice options in twenty-seven different languages, and color contrast customization.

User Reviews

While searching the internet, we did not find any reviews about Max Access. We're a bit puzzled by this, as Max Access reports that its code is downloaded "more than 1,000,000 times a day", so someone should probably have some advice on this.


Max Access offers 4 different plans according to the needs of your site (Image credit: Max Access)


Max Access is among the minority of web accessibility vendors that offer cost instead and we value transparency. It's built on a 4-tier cost structure, and we also like the free trial, and that way, that's a cheap 000 days. The starting level is "Usual" for a site with fewer than a thousand unique pages. For a cost of $XNUMX a month (which seems to be a rare offer at the time of this capture), users get a custom toolbar, main dashboard, compliance summary, and site code fixes. Professional features can be added for $XNUMX Assistants a month, then upgrade to detailed compliance reports, as well as Alt Tag Manager, Aria Manager, and employment statistics. The next higher plan is "Large," developed for sites under ten,XNUMX pages, at a current low cost of $XNUMX a month. To add the exact same Pro features to this plan, it costs €XNUMX a month. For those with an even bigger site, there's the "Huge" plan which can handle a hundred unique pages and runs at $XNUMX a month, and also offers the option of Pro add-on features for $XNUMX a month. At the top tier is the "Mega" plan that can handle a site of over XNUMX pages, with added Pro features for $XNUMX a month. All the plans have the same set of features, with the higher plans suited to the bigger place. For digital agencies, Max Access can be contacted to get a "wholesale rate".


Customer support could be more robust, with limited options for those who need help. Options include a US postal address. The other alternative is to send them a message through an online portal. As if that wasn't limiting enough, customer service hours are limited from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time.


The Max Access support options are missing, but there are several helpful tutorials in their place (Image credit: Max Access) It lacks many options, starting with a toll-free number or any number. A direct mail would also be useful, like a chat, but they are not present either. In addition to this, there are none of the advanced options, such as online videos, e-books, technical reports or discussion forums, but we do find a good variety of tutorials.

Final verdict

Max Access web accessibility is somewhat mixed. The benefits would effectively include the single line of code implementation, the fourteen-day free trial, the mobile site toolbar, and the usual site iteration to encourage compliance. The flaws we highlight would be the utter paucity of user reviews, limited support options, and the fact that certain features are locked in a more expensive Pro plan. Overall, Max Access is an intriguing entry into the competitive web accessibility space, but you have to wonder if an AI-only approach is suitable for your site's needs.