Many companies forget to sustain subdomains, with catastrophic consequences

Many companies forget to sustain subdomains, with catastrophic consequences

Failing to properly address subdomains can put organizations at risk, as they often have overlooked vulnerabilities, according to a new report from security scholars at the Vienna University of Technology and Ca' Foscari University in Venice. Although cybercriminals often seek to hijack organizations' subdomains, the scholar "Can I take your subdomain?" The report, which will be presented at the USENIX Security Symposium in August, highlights how even large companies with well-funded IT teams can fall victim to an attack by forsaking or ignoring unused subdomains. As The Register reports, when an organization has neglected a subdomain, it can become vulnerable to cookie-based attacks. In such an attack, a cybercriminal will create his place hosted on a different server that he will use to substitute a company's subdomain. Because sites generally consider their subdomains "safe", the subdomain can overwrite and access the parent site's cookies. This allows an attacker to impersonate other users on a company's corporate internet to launch auxiliary attacks or steal sensitive data.

Vulnerable subdomains

Aside from examining cookie-based attacks, the researchers also studied other methods used by cybercriminals to take over subdomains, including pending registrations, cross-origin resource sharing, post-message JavaScript attacks, and exploits. domain relaxers that let scripts run on related domains. . To show just how catastrophic not maintaining your subdomains can be, they also scanned 6 of the best sites on the planet from Tranco's list to locate one with XNUMX fragile subdomains out of XNUMX sites. Cisco, CNN, Harvard, and the US National Institutes of Health were just a few organizations whose subdomains were susceptible to attack. After informing IT administrators of their findings, only XNUMX% of the fragile subdomains were saved after a period of XNUMX months. Another reason to properly support subdomains is that organizations that have more of them have a considerably larger attack surface. To avoid falling victim to potential attacks, organizations should remove unused subdomains and keep their certificates up to date. through registration