Mandalorian season 2 could portray Star Wars actor Jango Fett as Boba Fett

Mandalorian season 2 could portray Star Wars actor Jango Fett as Boba Fett

Rumors of The Mandalorian season 2 are multiplying, and while we've already heard of several cameos, the latest one takes the cake: Boba Fett will make an appearance, played by Jango Fett actor Temuera Morrison. Morrison will play the famous bounty hunter, according to The Hollywood Reporter, although he would only play a small role during The Mandalorian season 2. Morrison played Jango Fett in the second Star Wars prequel, Attack of the Clones, where the bounty hunter was the base of the Republic clone army before dying at the end of the film. Significantly, the clone of Jango's son, Boba Fett, also appeared in the film, likely explaining the easy resemblance to Morrison's portrayal in The Mandalorian. But the big question might be how Boba Fett appears on the Disney Plus show five years after Return of the Jedi, which, if you recall, featured Boba's apparent disappearance as she dove into the Sarlacc. So there are several ways to appear on the new show.

Theories and evidence

Ever since Disney reconnected the entire Expanded Universe to pave the way for the next trilogy, Boba Fett's fate has remained a mystery. She did not appear and her survival has not been confirmed. In other words, Fett could be dead and return in a flashback, perhaps after clashes with the titular Mandalorian or to shed light on fighter culture. She or she could be alive and meet our protagonist. Heck, there are even fan theories that Fett already appeared in the first season, either as one of the Mandalorians in the background of the underground warrior clan, or as the mysterious figure from Tatooine in the final moments of the season 1 episode 'The Gunslinger. ''There's another possibility as well: Morrison has also voiced the clone troopers in the third prequel, Revenge of the Sith, and the two Fetts in various Star Wars video games over the years. He could play a clone of Fett, or a contender who adopted the name. Either way, we'll know when The Mandalorian season 2 arrives later in 2020.