LinkedIn goes dark mode, so you can search for the job in style

LinkedIn goes dark mode, so you can search for the job in style

Based on the findings of app researcher Jane Manchun Wong, LinkedIn is about to get a facelift.

After discovering that Facebook was developing a dark mode for its Android app, Manchun Wong had delved into the LinkedIn code and demonstrated that it also had a new, darker interface.

She notes that LinkedIn's dark mode appears to be in an early stage of development, and that all elements have yet to be adapted (some dark icons are almost invisible in the new background, for example), and it's impossible to know when it will be finished the final look. will be displayed

"The time required to develop and publish experimental features like this varies," Wong said. "I'm as curious as you are on the LinkedIn Dark Mode release schedule!"

Dark matter

Businesses are scrambling to develop dark versions of their apps ahead of the release of Android Q, which will feature its own native dark mode and should start rolling out to mobile devices in a few weeks.

Creating a dark mode isn't just about changing a few colors. This can cause unexpected problems, as we saw with early versions of Chrome's dark variant, making it difficult to distinguish between classic and incognito.

However, LinkedIn could have an advantage here. Microsoft, its parent company, has mastered the dark arts perfectly and has created dark versions of almost all of its desktop applications, which can be activated simply by changing the main Windows theme.

We doubt there are many crossovers between LinkedIn developers and those working on Windows apps, but the mobile team could certainly get some clues from their office colleagues.

Via Android Police