LEGO Launches Relaxing Playlist Made With Brick Sounds

LEGO Launches Relaxing Playlist Made With Brick Sounds

ASMR is all the rage right now and building block maker LEGO has joined in on the fun by releasing a 210-minute white noise playlist designed to help people relax during these tumultuous times. The playlist consists of songs created using only the sounds created by the LEGO bricks. "Each LEGO item produces a unique sound," the group said in a statement. "That's why designers have experimented with over 10,000 in their search for the perfect relaxing sounds." The rich soundscape created by the clicking of the bricks resulted in tracks like It All Clicks '', que se reproduce con el sonido icónico de dos piezas de LEGO que se unen y The Waterfall '', which as the name suggests, is a cacophony created by continually pouring thousands of bricks on top of each other. The playlist, like other non-voice tracks, is designed to help listeners relax and is therefore perfect for those who need background noise to fall asleep or while working. The LEGO White Noise playlist is available on Spotify, Apple Music and 13 other music streaming platforms.