Learn to control the information you upload to the internet

Learn to control the information you upload to the internet Everything that goes through the web stays there. It is a situation that we all know why control the information you upload to the internet it gets more and more uphill. In this sense, the companies that offer online trace cleaning services are on the rise. Its objective is to facilitate data management, eliminating obsolete and obsolete data or profiles. Currently there is a greater risk because the number of children who access the Internet is growing rapidly. Minors are also exposed to the dangers of the network. We are not referring only to the images where they appear, but to the data that is entered innocently and makes them leave their own digital footprint. Any application that is used leaves a clue about who you are, so it is necessary to know how to protect all information.

How to control the information you upload to the internet

Controlling the information you upload to the internet is not easy, because once it is entered there may be no going back. It is not enough to have a password on your social networks or configure the privacy of everything you add to your profiles. There are tools that allow you to discover the passwords and thus enter your information. To avoid any harm to your safety or to avoid exposing yourself to danger of uploading photos to the internet You should consider some tips:

1. Be careful what you post

Social networks are used to be part of the cyber society, to make part of your life known through photos and videos, also to meet people and add followers. But you should never forget that once you upload something, you lose full control of it.. One way to shield the information is to be careful with the publications. A story, status or a simple message could go viral and consequently bullying situations can occur. All this will leave a mark that could weigh in the future, so you must analyze the content that you are about to share.

2. Monitor Wi-Fi networks

It is customary to be in an ice cream parlor, cafeteria and airports and connect to a Wi-Fi network to do work or do other things. However, the Open networks are often a gateway for hackers to take advantage of weak connections to enter the information coming out of the equipment. For example, the password of your bank account or some private social network. A good advice is to try to avoid connecting to this type of wireless networks, but if there is no other option, do it using a VPN service.

3. Always update the firmware

Manufacturers are concerned with correcting small bugs in response to the protection of the digital identity on the internet and take care of citizens from possible attacks by friends of the alien. This is one of the most important recommendations that applies to any device. Operating systems regularly introduce new versions. When your team sends an update notification, don't wait any longer to do it due to the growth of malware and other scourges on the network.

4. Avoid simple passwords

To live in the digital society it is necessary to eliminate some bad habits. One of them is the use of simple passwords that in the end facilitate the task of hackers and expose all the information you upload to the internet. You should know that there are tools with which you can access and break the security of eight-character passwords in just two hours. At this point two things are recommended, use more than eight mixed digits, that is, between letters, numbers and signs. Another recommendation is do not use the same password on all your social networks or websites. If one is breached, all the information you upload to all the apps is at risk.

5. Unreliable online stores

In these times it has become customary to purchase products through virtual stores. Especially because of how easy and fast the matter is. However, keep in mind that not all online stores are trustworthy. You already know that in them you must upload a lot of information between personal data and bank data, so the first thing you should do is verify that it is a store where you can buy insurance. Finally, do not forget to be careful with all the information you upload to the internet. Your photos, videos, personal, financial and work data. You should also take care of all the data of your family and friends. You can find many more tips related to this topic, in order to understand the behavior of the digital society, through the website elvisitantedigital.com. In it, it will be much easier to understand everything related to this new generation and the use that is given to technology.