Jio offers auxiliary value for certain JioFiber plans

Jio offers auxiliary value for certain JioFiber plans
When it comes to fast home internet, Jio and Airtel lead by a good margin. The 2 ISPs had lately revamped their internet plans and therefore started offering a high-speed internet connection with virtually no usage limits and lots of ancillary benefits. Now Jio, backed by Reliance, is adding spice to the competition and, as reported, offers certain free days with its annual and six-month plans. This means that for annual plans, users must pay three hundred and sixty days more, they will be able to enjoy the benefits of the same plan for thirty more days. In addition, the semi-annual plan will offer additional fifteen days and users will be able to enjoy the benefits of the plan for one hundred and ninety-five days instead of one hundred and eighty days. In contrast to the mobile recharge plans in which these companies give you a shorter period of value, here you will enjoy auxiliary days, more for long-term recharges.

In the latest plan, users would have to pay Rs. 101,988 annually to get six thousand six hundred GB of bandwidth each month. In all other plans there is a limit of XNUMX GB per month. In the latest plan, users would have to pay a semi-annual plan of Rs fifty-nine hundred and ninety-four to get six thousand six hundred GB of bandwidth every month. On all other plans there is a limit of XNUMX GB per month. Get up close with the top tech news you can use, the latest reviews and buying guides. Follow LaComparacion India on Twitter, Fb and also Instagram!