It's official: most people use a personal smartphone to work

It's official: most people use a personal smartphone to work

As 2021 draws to a close, LaComparacion Pro has commissioned an exclusive survey from OnePulse to analyze smartphone use at work.

As the world moves toward hybrid work, or full-blown remote work, smartphone use is a hot topic, especially personal devices used at work.

Gone are the days when office workers were tethered to desks, and generally an aging Windows PC, and the impact of changes is still largely felt. Industries like social media influencers, which didn't even exist a few years ago, are now completely reliant on modern smartphones, for example.

Using your smartphone at work

To find out more, we asked 500 people in the US and UK if they use a smartphone outside of work for work-related activities (video calls, presentations, meetings, that sort of thing).

About three-quarters (73%) confirmed that they used smartphones for business purposes, with email being the most common reason and Wi-Fi hotspot the least common. 82% for work smartphones with your own personal smartphone, and not with a work-provided device.

The majority of respondents (46%) used their smartphone less than an hour a day to work, followed by 1 to 2 hours a day (28,3%), 2 to 5 hours a day (16,8%) and an excess of hours a day (8,9%). .