iPhone Fold could be one step closer to reality

iPhone Fold could be one step closer to reality

The iPhone Fold (or iPhone Flip as you might call it) has been the subject of gossip for quite some time, and while this foldable iPhone isn't likely to launch anytime soon, it's becoming increasingly clear that it's in the works. , with the most recent sign being a new Apple patent. Discovered by Phone Arena, this patent titled "Electronic Devices with Friction Composite Fiber Hinges" is for a hinge that is both strong and thin. Of course, a hinge shouldn't be for a flip phone, it could be for a laptop or something like that, which is a type of device cited in the patent. But the same is true of smartphones, with one part of the description stating that "the electronic device may have a flexible layer, such as a flexible screen, that overlays the hinge structure." So a hinge that works with a flexible screen that could be used on a phone? Sure enough, it looks like something Apple might fit into a foldable iPhone. Comme toujours avec les brevets, nous notons que bien que cela prouve qu'Apple explore au moins l'idee de cette charnière, cela ne garantit pas que cela en fera un produit, et si c'est le cas, cela pourrait ne pas apparaître over a certain time. long or else it will only appear on devices other than smartphones. It's still just another piece of the iPhone folding puzzle, though, and like other clues to the device we've seen over the years, it sure looks like we're in Apple's future.

Opinion: Apple could generalize foldable phones

For now, foldable phones are niche devices, despite Samsung's attempts to popularize them. The company has made progress, but it's moving slowly and isn't helped by the fact that no other company is making a concerted effort with the technology. But if any brand has a better chance of making foldable phones bigger than Samsung, it's Apple. While Apple is a massive brand with loyal customers, its fans are also used to paying high prices for phones, so the inevitably high cost of an iPhone Flip might not put off many people. It's also telling that Apple hasn't released one yet, so often the company will wait until the technology is perfected before launching a product or feature, so if it launches an iPhone Flip, the phone probably be a polished product. , without any of the development pain we've seen on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold line. Still, it's clear that Apple has seen and learned from Samsung here, so as popular as the iPhone Flip is, it probably has part of Samsung to thank.