India prepares follow-up for Covid-19 patients, inspired by Hong Kong

India prepares follow-up for Covid-19 patients, inspired by Hong Kong

Government agencies in India are preparing to tackle a post-foreclosure scenario aimed at bringing the country back to normal and are looking for ways to ensure that any rapid transmission of the Covid-19 virus among its citizens is under control. One such initiative is to make thousands of bracelets that could monitor the vital signs of quarantined patients, tracking their location through contact tracing.

Covid-19 Numbers

Over the past week, India has seen a steady increase in the number of positive cases for Covid-19, although the nationwide lockdown that included a ban on all domestic and international flights has resulted in the pandemic spreading at a much faster rate. slower than some more developed countries. There have been more than 650 deaths in the country since the end of February, which is why the administration led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is already planning its life when the lock is loosened and finally lifted. Experts fear transmission rates will rise for a few weeks, potentially stretching the already stretched health service.

The Hong Kong landmark

The idea for this innovation seems to come from Hong Kong, where the semi-autonomous Chinese territory has kidnapped patients to mark and trace the virus. All those arriving from abroad must wear the bracelets and remain in isolation for two weeks. Of course, world opinion was polarized at this stage, with some even suggesting that it violated personal liberties, while others argued that in a battle for good health, the biggest war between freedom and surveillance should remain weak.

Who makes these bracelets?

So where exactly is the government going to get these wristbands? State-owned Broadcasting Engineering Consultants (BECI) would conduct the pilot exercise, collaborating with Indian startups across the country to carry it out. George Kuruvilla, the company's president, said the wristbands could also be incorporated into data captured in the Aarogya Setu government's contact tracing app, to help determine their risk of infection. Since then, the app has been downloaded more than 50 million times when Modi launched it on April 2. However, a big challenge with the app is that its impact is directly proportional to the number of people undergoing Covid-19 tests. The wristbands will be deployed in May and will be used to monitor the movements of quarantined patients, at home and in hospitals, and to monitor maximum body temperature. An alert will be immediately sent to public health officials if patients venture outside of their quarantine area. The bracelet will also have a panic button to help users seek timely help in an emergency. Dr. Anant Bhan, a public health and bioethicist expert, said it was also "important to consider privacy and data protection" for apps and wristbands. The device will collect all the data related to the places visited by an infected person, the routes taken and will determine if she has recently visited a foreign country. It will identify those who were close to the patient and will also tell people if there is a sick person nearby. A geofence or virtual perimeter can be created using data from the monitored areas, such as common meeting places, public transportation or places of religious gatherings, etc.