Improve your IT skills and learn how to fight cybercrime for only € 30

Improve your IT skills and learn how to fight cybercrime for only € 30
            El ciberdelito es una seria amenaza.  Y solo empeorará cada año, por lo que las empresas y los gobiernos pagan un alto precio por los profesionales que saben cómo mitigar el riesgo.  ¿Quiere agregar estas habilidades muy específicas a su repertorio de TI?  Entonces, el paquete de pruebas de penetración y piratería ética todo en uno de 2021 puede ser la forma más conveniente.
This online training package, valued at €1,800, includes 46 hours of professional-level educational content. Introduces students to the concept of ethical hacking so they are equipped to find weaknesses in a network's security before they are exploited by real criminals. They will gain a solid understanding of pen testing techniques, network analysis, cloud security basics, web application hacking, and more. And since all classes are delivered via the web, virtually anyone can fit them into their schedule, regardless of load level. The training in this package is facilitated by experts from Oak Academy, a highly rated web resource that specializes in teaching computer security skills. This means that this is a unique opportunity to learn employable skills from real professionals. And since you can sign up now for just €29.99, the cost/benefit ratio, compared to other training options, is out of this world.

All-in-one Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Set 2021 - €29.99 See offer Prices are subject to change.
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