If you're showing a movie on Amazon Prime tonight, make it The Vast of Night

If you're showing a movie on Amazon Prime tonight, make it The Vast of Night
In a 1950s New Mexico town, a switchboard operator, Fay (Sierra McCormick), and a local DJ, Everett (Jake Horowitz), begin picking up strange signals from calls and the radio. Together, for one night, they work together to understand what is happening and what is the source of the signals. Presented as a faux anthology episode in the vein of The Twilight Zone, The Vast of Night is a low-budget sci-fi movie that deserves to be watched without much more knowledge than what we've proposed here. -on. For a movie that costs less than a million dollars, it's an impressive movie, a great period piece, and wonderfully terrifying. Much of the length of the film includes his two captivating sons sitting in front of the switchboards and microphones, receiving strange phone calls, but so much magic is generated from this technique alone. The Vast of Night is a contemporary take on Roswell-style conspiracy stories, steeped in more than 70 Spielbergs. Director Andrew Patterson does this by simply creating ambiguity in the cues heard by the characters. and allow the public to fill in the gaps. While the movie lacks a surprising and shocking twist to make it unforgettable like all the best episodes of the sci-fi anthology series, it's a neat little story that's terrifying enough to keep you on The Lookout until its very end. . The Vast of Night didn't need the framing of an anthology show to keep us hooked: the close friendship between its two young leads and how they react to the unknown is the real reason to watch.

(Image credit: Amazon Prime Video) As this is Patterson's first film and shares small-town American decor, The Vast of Night draws comparisons to 2001's Donnie Darko. it's a much simpler story. But after 89 minutes, it's a perfect little movie to pass the time while you wait for theaters to reopen where you are. In a nice touch, Amazon released the movie a few weeks early in theaters, which would be a great place to watch a movie like this during lockdown. Either way, it's a quirky sci-fi gem, the kind of festival-circuit discovery everyone will enjoy. The Vast of Night is now available on Amazon Prime Video.