Human augmentation is a dangerous temptation that we are unlikely to resist

Human augmentation is a dangerous temptation that we are unlikely to resist
The ability to repair the body using technology has long been celebrated, but the problem becomes more complex when it comes to enhancing humans beyond their natural state. Many people clash with the idea of ​​voluntary biohacking, caught between the belief that people should be able to do with their bodies what they want and concerns about the implications of changing the human physique. A new study from security firm Kaspersky says nearly half (46,5%) of adults think people should be able to get better with augmentative technology, but a similar proportion (39%) fear an augmentation could lead to conflict or social inequalities. As sci-fi movies have predicted, the most advanced upgrades are likely to be reserved for a small handful of people who can afford them. The increase will also create a new social minority, adding to the already complex human tapestry. Another important consideration is data privacy and security. A world where our bodies are packed with digital sensors could easily become a playground for cybercriminals. Problems also arise in the surveillance capitalism debate, when the data in question is collected from devices inside a person's body. Whether human augmentation leads to a utopia characterized by opportunity or a dystopia based on broken promises, according to Kaspersky, will depend on preparation and execution.

The problem of dual use

Kaspersky recently convened a panel of augmented people to discuss the merits and pitfalls of biohacking. Some were fitted with bionic prosthetics for medical reasons, while others had actively chosen to modify themselves. When asked about the impact of augmentation technologies on their lives, model Tilly Lockey and pop artist Viktoria Modesta, who use bionic prosthetics as replacement limbs, explained that body augmentations have changed the way society perceives disability. With advances in technology, augments have become less intended to make others more comfortable and useful for the wearer. Using electrical signals generated by muscle tissue, modern bionic limbs can move their fingers and rotate their joints, just like real human counterparts. Dr. Bertolt Meyer, a professor at the Chemnitz University of Technology, said his prosthesis is even capable of converting signals that would normally be controlled by the hand into signals that a synthesizer can understand, allowing him to "efficiently create music with thoughts." . “When equipped with a more advanced hand, there was no more pity. People thought it was cool and wanted to understand how it works. And the coolness is generally the opposite of that of people with disabilities, ”he said. Although there is no ethical baggage associated with modifying the bodies of those who need medical attention, the waters are clouded by the desirability of applying similar technologies to capable bodies. Meyer called this the "dual-use problem." “We need a common set of rules and regulations and we need to discuss what is allowed. Would it be acceptable to cut off a completely healthy limb and replace it with an even more capable biological limb? "He has asked.


(Image credit: Shutterstock / HQuality) According to Meyer, these issues must also be questioned in the context of commercial interest. The market for healthy people is much larger than for people with disabilities, so the emergence of voluntary biohacking could de-prioritize the medical use case. Hannes Sjöblad, co-founder of biohacking company DSruptive Subdermals, was the only panel member to voluntarily switch. Sjöblad implanted an RFID chip in his hand, which he says can be used to open doors, pay for train tickets and more. Despite his role as an ambassador for voluntary biohacking, he admitted that there was a lot of work to be done and many questions to be answered. “There are extremely important dimensions of human rights and cybersecurity. For example, does the implant in my body belong to me or to the company that made it? Does this company have the right to send updates to an implant I have? " “There is a fundamental difference between IoT and the connected devices in our homes and when this technology is truly embedded in our bodies. Voluntarily augmenting the body must add significant value, it cannot be a gimmick." Regardless of these various concerns, without However, Sjöblad believes it is important not to lose sight of the opportunity at hand. “Ultimately, human augmentation technology is about creating a much better future. It's about opening up new opportunities and new ways for self-expression, sensory enhancement, a better understanding of our vital systems, and more.

Lay the groundwork

While the panelists laid bare the full range of issues with augmentation technology, none found a particularly robust or comprehensive solution to balance risk and opportunity. According to Kaspersky, the most important consideration is that security is established in advance, which has not always been the case with technological advances. “When you look at the evolution of technology, a pattern is clear. When computers came along, nobody cared about security and infections were rife just like mobile devices and the IoT,” said Marco Preuss, director of global research and analysis for Europe at Kaspersky. “With these new augmentation technologies, whether in the body or on the body, we have to be careful before they go on the market. Governments, industry leaders and augmented people must come together to shape the future of human augmentation so that we can ensure this exciting industry thrives in a way that is regulated and safe for all.