How to protect your family online with ESET mobile security

How to protect your family online with ESET mobile security
Gone are the days of flip phones with a keyboard, and its main calling card was the ability to play snake. Today, you would be hard-pressed to find a phone that is not connected to the Internet, and while this brings a whole world of excitement and insight, it also creates risks, especially for children. A 2020 study found that the majority of children own a mobile phone by the age of seven, and mobile devices are the most common way for children to access the Internet. Additionally, 39% of children surveyed said they couldn't live without their phone. So if they can't live without their phones, they have to live with them, safe. However, while wanting to monitor your child's phone activity is understandable, it can be difficult to do so without feeling like you're invading her privacy. To reassure parents and instill good cyber hygiene practices in children from an early age, ESET Mobile Security (EMS) for Android comes with ESET Parental Control. The app helps protect your children online and is available in free and premium version. Whether it's suspicious text messages or phishing scams, cyberbullying or limiting screen time, ESET Mobile Security lets you stay on top of your child's activities without having to confiscate or take away your child's phone, setting limits healthy for everyone involved.

Get the most out of ESET Mobile Security

ESET EMS protects family mobile devices

(Image credit: ESET) With the Application Guard feature, parents can manage the time kids spend in apps and the apps they use. Learning which apps your kids use the most can also help you understand your child's interests, giving you insight into how they like to spend their time. Parents can also set a daily budget for apps to prevent accidental overspending and download app usage reports to see their child's activity over time, giving them the peace of mind to focus on work, life or school. hobbies. If you've tried the free app and are looking for more features, the premium version allows parents to check their child's current location and set up alerts via the Child Locator feature. You can also control inappropriate web content with the Web Guard and Safe Search features, where only approved web content will be shown to your child. Parents can receive instant notifications of their children's activity on their own phone and manage multiple children from one central app. ESET Mobile Security and Parental Control is a valuable tool for both online child protection and mobile phone addiction management. The most important thing, though, is to make sure you have a conversation with your kids about cybersecurity before downloading the app. Giving kids the knowledge and skills to stay smart and safe online is empowering and will help them understand why the app is so important. If you need any tips to start this conversation, go to Safer Kids Online to download free guides and educational resources on Internet safety. You can try ESET Mobile Security for free at any time, and if you want to try the premium product at a great price, you're in luck! From November 26 to December 3, EMS premium will be 50% off and no promo code is necessary; the discount will be automatically added to your payment. Protecting the Google Play Store, ESET is trusted by millions of users like you around the world, and is dedicated to the online safety and education of children and their parents. Facebook | Twitter: @ESET | instagram