How to download ebooks

How to download ebooks An electronic book is the digitization of a printed book, are available for different reading devices. With these electronic reading devices you can download or read digital books on your favorite site. In this type of devices you can have stored in one place the number of books you want. We all agree, there is no nothing better than the smell of a new book. Due to the high cost of books, many readers have turned to digital books. Electronic books offer us tools to make reading easier, nor do they take up physical space, then we will show you how to download ebooks.

Is it possible to download e-books for free?

Yes it is possible to download e-books for free, but you must have beware of sites that offer this type of download. Because some of these pages, contain a lot of advertising where pop-up windows appear when you click on a link. The best is download from secure platforms, so you will avoid setbacks on your device. You can find different specific formats such as epub, kindle or pdf adapted to each type of electronic reading device. An electronic book can be read from your phone, tablet, computer or electronic reader it all depends on the format of the book. There are many websites where you can download any kind of e-books for free. A large number of people are against and others in favor of electronic books. It's hard to choose sides, because both parties have valid reasons to maintain their posture. E-books are comfortable alternatives to reading or transport countless books anywhere on a portable device. Choose ebooks, not meant to replace printed books, you get them for the convenience and freedom of reading. you have any book anywhere, plus you have a portable library in your hand. Therefore we will show you below how to download ebooks, its benefits, characteristics. We will also point out the safest internet platforms to download the best e-books.

Benefits of downloading and reading e-books

Digital reading devices simulate a book, you can select how to read it by pages or continuous, etc. They contain tools to make reading easier in all aspects, but also generate mistrust on the part of the authors. Due to its ease to hack or download them easily without authorization. Electronic books are at the forefront of technology, which is why it is important to know how to download your ebooks favorites. In a simple way we will teach you to download free books, as well as the different download methods. These download methods differ from each other depending on the selected platform. We will mention below the main benefits of downloading and reading e-books. It is essential to enter secure websites, thus avoiding viruses, malware or pop-up windows with advertising. The search or download speed will depend on the internet service that you have contracted. In most cases the downloads can be done in minutes.

Best options to download free ebooks

As we have mentioned before, we will prepare a list with the best options to download free ebooks. These platforms are the most used or recommended by users on their social networks.

Free Books on Amazon

For Downloading through Amazon is very simple, enter the Amazon platform, look for the eBooks category. In this section there are available lots of ebooks compatible with Kindle. you will find several free books on amazon, you can easily download them to read them on an electronic device.


The downloads from Espaebook they are totally legal, on this site you will find free books on languages, mathematics, statistics, history, natural sciences, personal development. Does not require you to register to be able to enjoy all the titles available on this page.


It is one of the most recommended websites to download books in different formats. epubfree, has a extensive library with the most requested titles from your favorite authors. This portal offers free books and a paid version, all downloads are 100% legal.


This website gives you free books in spanish with expired copyrights, because they are classic books some of famous authors. Epubgratis, is a simple page was created by some fans of reading.

The Gutenberg Project

From all the above websites The Gutenberg Project, count with more variety of digital books. It has more than 50 thousand free books in different formats, it is one of the oldest digital libraries was created in 1971. All the books on this portal are free with the copyright expired or assigned by the authors themselves.


This web portal offers various literary genres fantastic novel, romantic novels, medicine, fiction, war books among others. The downloads in ebookworld they are free but completely legal, They are available in various formats. The downloads of the books are fast compared to other similar pages.