How to clean a food processor

How to clean a food processor

Food processors are true kitchen workhorses, helping you create huge bowls of sliced ​​and shredded vegetables for salads and coleslaw with minimal fuss. They're great for chopping onions and mincing beef, whipping cream, or even mixing batter, but cleaning each and every one of those brittle parts and sharp blades is pretty much enough to keep you from using it altogether.

However, it is essential that you thoroughly clean a food processor after use, this will extend the life of the appliance and keep the blades in tip-top condition. On top of this, absolutely no one wants whipped cream with a hint of onion flavor because the food processor hasn't been properly cleaned between uses.

From a food hygiene perspective, there are many reasons to be meticulous when cleaning your food processor. Always and in all circumstances pay special attention to appliances that can be used for raw meat and fish, such as ready-to-eat foods, since if not cleaned properly they could harbor bacteria and transfer them from raw to cooked food. With that in mind, we've put together our best tips on how to clean your food processor safely and without too much fuss, so you can get the most out of using this multi-purpose appliance to help you create delicious meals. for friends and family.

Read on to find out how to clean a food processor, or if you want to get your hands on one of the best food processors now, check out these great deals for some of the best value.

Today's best food processor deals

Isn't the dishwasher doing everything?

If you have a dishwasher and your food processor has dishwasher-safe parts, cleaning it isn't going to be too difficult—you can just throw everything in the dishwasher and go about your day. But even when cleaning your food processor and accessories in the dishwasher, there are a few things to remember.

First of all, read the product manual and note when it is advised to wash certain accessories only on the top shelf. This advice is based on the fact that the top rack of the dishwasher is gentler and less damaging, so don't ignore the advice to wash accessories on the top rack.

The second essential thing to consider is how sharp blades are loaded into the dishwasher. It is essential that the blades are loaded in such a way that they are not dangerous to the person unloading the dishwasher. In addition to this, please do not let the sharp blades come into contact with other dishes in case of damage. You'll also want to make sure the blades don't rub against the racks of the dishwasher, as they can cut into the plastic liners on the racks and cause them to corrode in the long run.

Unlike some of the best blenders, food processors don't come with automatic cleaning programs that let you clean the unit by adding water and dishwashing liquid and then running an automatic program. For hand washing, use warm water and your regular dish cleaner, and always disassemble the entire Food Processor before attempting to clean any part of it.

To make your life easier, it is advisable to rinse the container and accessories just after use, this will prevent the food from drying out and leaving residues that are quite difficult to remove. Never leave sharp blades or accessories soaking in your sink, there is a danger that someone else in the house will put their hand in the water and cut themselves. It is also essential never to use abrasive scrapers, as they can damage or clog the bowl and accessories.

Food processor to cut cookies into fine crumbs

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

How to safely clean food processor accessories

The simplest and safest way to wash sharp accessories is to use a long-handled dish brush, this allows you to thoroughly clean around the sharp blades and get into the small grate holes in the discs, without getting your hands too close. something sharp If there is a hole in the center column of the blade attachment, use a bottle brush to remove any buildup of food that has gotten into it.

You may think that goes without saying, but always and under all circumstances handle parts carefully and keep your hands away from the blades when moving and cleaning accessories. Remember that sharp accessories can become slippery when wet, rubber dish gloves will help you grip them better and minimize the risk of accidents.

The bowl and lid should be fairly simple to wash with a sponge, pay particular attention to the one part of the bowl where the blades meet and be sure to clear out any debris that has accumulated there. For smaller areas that are more difficult to clean, such as the feed chute, use a bottle brush to get to these parts.

To clean the base, unplug it from the electrical outlet and wipe it with a soft, damp cloth. Pay particular attention to the top where the blade system joins, such as the area around the buttons, then dry thoroughly. The base houses the motor and each and every electrical component and therefore should never be immersed in water.

Drying is an essential part of the process, storing a food processor wet can lead to mold and bacteria growth, to say the least you could smell bad the next time you use it. Thoroughly dry each and every part, and if there are any spots that are too difficult to towel dry, allow them to air dry before reassembling and storing. In addition to this, if you are worried about cutting yourself while drying sharp accessories, let them air dry in a safe place. Make sure you don't leave them where someone else accidentally touches them and gets hurt.

Finally, remove lingering odors like raw onion, garlic, or curry from the bowl of your food processor by making a paste of one part baking soda to one part water and spreading it around the bowl. Let it act for a short time, about twenty minutes should be enough to absorb the odours. Then rinse well to remove any and all traces of baking soda. Repeat the process if the fragrance is not completely removed the first time.