Horizon Zero Dawn on PC

Horizon Zero Dawn on PC
Jason Schreier, one of the biggest names in gaming journalism today working at Kotaku, leaked information that may surprise most gamers: Sony's first title, Horizon Zero Dawn, released exclusively for PS4 in 2017, is coming. soon to PC. Schreier says three people familiar with Sony's plans back the news, a move never before seen in the business. Guerrilla Games, responsible for the Horizon and Killzone franchise games, was bought in 2005 by the Japanese company, which has since produced games for the PlayStation platform. Horizon will be the first game to come out of Sony's exclusive line since the first PlayStation. According to the journalist's sources, the game will be released on Steam and the Epic Games Store (although this detail is not yet fully accepted). Stopping to analyze, the news does not seem so scary. Death Stranding, another game that shares the same technology (in this case, Decima Engine) will also be released for PC, although Kojima Productions is an independent studio that Sony did not buy. Quantic Dreams, another indie developer under the Sony umbrella for several years, recently released its last three hits, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit Become Human for PC, all on the Epic Games Store. If the rumor comes to fruition, it marks a new cycle for business and the industry, underscoring the focus on ecosystems rather than platforms. There is no release window yet for when this will happen, so speculation continues.