High-resolution audio streaming service Qobuz lands in Australia and New Zealand

High-resolution audio streaming service Qobuz lands in Australia and New Zealand
Good news for Aussies and Kiwis looking for another way to download and listen to their favorite music in high definition, as the French high-resolution streaming service Qobuz has just been officially launched in Australia and New Zealand. Zealand. The service was founded in 2007 and has gradually expanded its global reach, with a total of 18 countries now having access to the platform. Contains 70 million titles and a collection of over half a million album reviews, artist biographies and other pieces of specialized editorial content. As part of its launch in Australia and New Zealand, the Qobuz team has curated a variety of playlists featuring local artists. As is the case with most streaming services, Qobuz is available in a variety of tiered subscriptions and family plans, with discounts if you pay annually instead of monthly. The Studio Premier tier offers "studio-quality streaming (24-bit FLAC up to 192kHz)" and "original editorial content," while the Studio Sublime tier also adds exclusive discounts of up to 60% upon launch. Buy high-resolution music for download – a worthwhile investment if you plan to do it often. All plans are available in individual or family arrangements, the latter of which allows people living in the same household to share up to six accounts on a single subscription.

Premier Qobuz Study

Qobuz Studio Sublime

The Qobuz app is available on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android devices and is compatible with a wide range of dedicated hi-fi broadcast equipment (visit the Qobuz site for a full list of participating partners). If you'd like to try the service before paying, Qobuz offers a one-month free trial of its Studio Premier tier, as well as a free album download.