"Half of SMEs" are considering switching broadband service providers

"Half of SMEs" are considering switching broadband service providers

More than half of UK SMEs plan to leave their current broadband service provider, a sign that organizations are increasingly demanding better connectivity and less tolerant of service problems in a post-pandemic economy.

Lockdown and social distancing have forced most businesses to adapt to remote work and service delivery almost overnight.

But over the past 18 months, ad hoc and impromptu measures have given way to more thoughtful approaches that include cloud infrastructure, collaboration software, and digital customer service capabilities.

Sky Business Broadband

According to a study commissioned by Sky, more than three-quarters of surveyed SMEs said they had invested in connectivity or taken other steps to provide digital services in the past year. Two-thirds plan to further increase this investment, and three-quarters plan to subscribe to full fiber services as soon as they are available in their area.

The growing importance of connectivity for businesses means there is a willingness to switch providers if something goes wrong. Up to 77% said they were affected by slow speeds in the past month, and a third said it prevented them from communicating with customers or suppliers, hampering productivity or even losing customers altogether.

Meanwhile, 74% said they would be more likely to recommend a provider if they could offer a backup 4G / 5G connection in the event of an outage, which many providers now offer.

“Broadband isn't something businesses think about or should think about on a daily basis, but it's noticeable when it's not up to standard and can have damaging consequences,” said Kevin O'Toole. “As SMBs continue to adapt to an increasingly digital world and provide additional online services, more than ever broadband providers must prioritize reliability to enable small businesses to thrive. "

Sky Connect launched earlier this year and promises dedicated broadband products, services and support for SMBs. He said at the time that he believed he could handle common complaints in the commercial broadband segment.

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