Google reveals more about how it helps deliver fast search results

Google reveals more about how it helps deliver fast search results

If you've ever wondered how Google is able to deliver search results so quickly, you might want to listen to the company's latest Search Off the Record podcast. In the most recent episode of the podcast, Gary Illyes of the search giant revealed that the company's search index uses a tiered system where more expensive storage is used to index content faster. more popular. According to Illyes, Google indexes content using three different types of storage. RAM is the fastest and most expensive type of storage used by the enterprise, followed by fast but expensive solid-state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) as the slowest and most expensive. less expensive. RAM is used to index documents that will show up frequently in search results, while the other two types of storage are used for content that appears less frequently in the Google search engine.

Google search index

Illyes provided more detail on how Google decides what type of storage its index is stored in in the latest episode of the Search Off the Record podcast titled “Linguistic Complexities in Search Index Selection and More!”, saying: “For example, for documents that we know could be posted every second, for example, they'll end up with something really fast. And the super fast would be the RAM. As part of our service index it is in RAM. Then we will have another level, for example, for SSDs, because they are fast and not as expensive as RAM. But not yet, most of the index wouldn't be on it. Most of the index would be on something that is cheap, accessible, easily replaceable, and won't break the bank. And that would be hard drives or floppy disks. Now that we know a bit more about how Google builds its search index, some site owners may consider trying to improve the SEO of their pages so that they are indexed on RAM or SSD to appear higher in the search results of the company. Unfortunately, there is now a way to find out what level of storage individual sites are indexed on. While Google now stores the content accessed every second on RAM or SSD, most of its search index is still stored on hard drives.However, that could change in the future as the price of these more expensive types of storage drops.Via search engine registry