Google Pixel 4 isn't real yet, but it already supports Netflix HDR

Google Pixel 4 isn't real yet, but it already supports Netflix HDR

Netflix has added a new generation of phones to its list of HDR-enabled devices: phones and tablets that can stream HDR10-based shows and movies.

Phones are getting more colorful and support more colorful video, including the Google Pixel 3, Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 10, Sony Xperia 1, and LG G6. Oh, and the Google Pixel 4 and Google Pixel 4 XL... which is weird because neither of them have been officially announced by Google.

The common point between all these devices is that they all use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, 845 or 855 processor, moderately powerful silicon chips that can handle HDR data, and corroborate rumors that the Pixel 4 would also use the processor. Snapdragon 855..

How to get Netflix in HDR10 on your phone

Streaming Netflix to HDR on your Google Pixel 4 can be difficult until the phones materialize at Google's next Pixel event, Netflix indicates that you can immediately start streaming in HDR on the other phones mentioned above - just look for the new version of Netflix in Play Store.

Of course, don't forget that you have to pay for Netflix's premium package which costs $15.99 (€11.99, $17.99) per month to access high dynamic range content. (The same goes for HDR-compatible TVs and streaming devices.)

That said, once you've paid for everything and your phone is up to date, you'll receive HDR content wherever you are, a welcome bonus if you want the best content on your next trip.

Via Android Police