Google Chrome now allows you to delete website data about you

Google Chrome now allows you to delete website data about you

Google released Chrome XNUMX, the latest version of its Internet browser, which offers not only frequent adjustments and updates, but also considerably more control over the data saved by websites about individual visitors.

Unlike previous versions, where users could only delete individual website cookies, in Chrome ninety-seven users have better privacy tools and can delete all data saved on a website.

To test the new functionality, go to Settings> Security and privacy> Site settings> View permissions and data saved on sites.

HDR support detection

Elsewhere, Chrome XNUMX also improves the behavior of web applications. In previous versions, the top application bar could not be used properly. Now designers can use it for search bars, navigation buttons, or color accents.

Google has also made improvements to the operation of the zoom in the mobile version of the browser. On the desktop, the browser remembers the zoom settings for different sites, so if you zoom LaComparacion Pro to XNUMX% and close the tab, the next time you browse the website, it will return to XNUMX%.

This feature is now also free in the Android version of the browser. To enable it, make sure to enable the flag found in Chrome: flags # enable-accessibility-page-zoom.

The zoom can be changed by tapping the lock icon in the address bar.

Another feature built into the live version is the ability for CSS to warn screens that accept HDR content. With the now live feature, web developers can enable HDR content without ruining the UX for those without an HDR display.

Patches and updates for Chrome generally happen automatically, as soon as they are free. However, always and in all circumstances you can check if an update is already ready by clicking on the 3-dot button in the upper right corner of the browser and going to Help> About Google Chrome.

Google also pushed a number of smaller tweaks, such as the keyboard API functionality policy or auto-expand detail items. You can read more about this on the Google weblog.