The Google Assistant will soon be able to find your lost keys

The Google Assistant will soon be able to find your lost keys

You're late for work, you're just sleeping, and you don't have your keys anymore. It's a nightmare most of us face from time to time, but tile-tracking technology has made the morning task easier for even the most forgetful.

Now it's all even easier: The company is announcing an update to its Google Assistant integration, which will let you directly ask your Google Home speaker or smart display to find your misplaced item.

Launching later this year, this feature enables Google Assistant to support Tile's "ringtone" technology.

According to Tile, this allows your Google Home speaker to "directly connect to missing items and call them, for a faster and more reliable result," explaining that the process is "very similar to running any other Smart Home action with the attendee ".

Tile Pro

(Image credit: mosaic)

Battle of the trackers

In the past, you'd have to say "OK Google, ask Tile to find my keys," for Google Assistant to add to your search.

With this new update, you should be able to say simpler things like "Hey Google, find my keys," and the tile tracking attached to your keys will sound, allowing you to find them quickly.

You might be wondering why Tile went to the trouble of making this announcement when the new feature will only be available in late 2019, but it seems due to rumors that Apple is about to launch its own perfectly logical tracking system.

According to research conducted by MacRumors in an internal build of iOS 13, Apple's new accessory will help you "mark your everyday items" and "don't lose them."

Apple hasn't confirmed these rumors yet, but we shouldn't wait too long to find out if an Apple tracker is actually on the cards because we expected it to be announced with the new iPhone 11 on September 10.

By the edge