Get the cheapest fiber broadband deals in the UK with this Plusnet deal

Get the cheapest fiber broadband deals in the UK with this Plusnet deal
With all of your subscriptions combined to empty your bank each month, each additional savings can be a real savior in your life. And if you need to renew your broadband offer, adding another monthly cost, Plusnet offers a deal to ease the pain. The deal looks like this: $22.99 a month, nothing to pay upfront, and average speeds of 36MB. That alone makes Plusnet relatively average. But when you factor in the fact that Plusnet will also include €75 in cash back, it becomes one of the cheapest plans in the UK. You're actually only paying $18.82 when you include cashback, making it the cheapest fiber ribbon deal today, despite other pretty competitive options.

This complete low-cost Plusnet offer:

Plusnet unlimited fiber broadband | 18 months | 36MB average speed | Free calls to Plusnet customers | €22.99 per month | FREE Activation | €75 cashback
After taking reimbursement into account, it works like the cheapest fiber broadband offer, only getting closer to the origin of the lesser known origin. With the cashback, you actually only pay €18.82 per month.
View the offer

What other broadband offers are available right now?

Not a fan of the previous Plusnet broadband deal? Don't worry, there are plenty of other great options if you're willing to spend a little more. Vodafone's Superfast Fiber 2 plan seems like the obvious choice for anyone who needs fiber, at just £23.95 per month with average speeds of 63MB, this is a speed upgrade to not much more every month. Or if you want to go even cheaper and not worry about a slowdown, the post office can cost you just €15.90 per month. However, you'll only get average speeds of 11MB.