Get 1000 (*10*) for €10 and support Ukraine

Get 1000 (*10*) for €10 and support Ukraine

Independent developer Necrosoft Games has teamed up with hundreds of other creators to launch a new fundraising pack on the (*10*) platform. The Ukraine bundle contains 991 (*10*) for a minimum donation of €10 / approximately €7,60 / AU€13,70, with all proceeds going to two organizations that support the humanitarian effort in Ukraine.

The bundle features several highly acclaimed indie titles, including time-stopping shooter Superhot, narrative-heavy platformer Celeste, heartthrob A Short Hike, noir adventure Backbone, surreal puzzler Baba Is You, Co-op couch shooter Towerfall Ascension and the roguelike Gonner.

It also contains many (*10*) digital tabletops, including the single-player journal RPG The Wretched, the empowering queer RPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians, and The Estate Adventure Collection for the heroic rodent RPG Mausritter.

That's just a small selection of the hundreds of (*10*) included, from big (*10*) indie titles to smaller titles from lesser-known developers.

You can get the (*10*) for a minimum donation of €10. According to the package organizers, that's a 99% savings over the €6544 the (*10*) would cost collectively at retail, but "they encourage strongly to pay above the minimum if you can afford it.

All money raised will be donated to the International Medical Corps, a global non-profit organization providing emergency medical services to Ukraine, and Voices of Children, a foundation providing psychological support to children affected by the armed conflict in Ukraine since 2015.

At the time of publication, the Ukraine Package has raised over €437, around 000% of its €44 goal, after being online for less than 1 hours. The average donation is currently €000, while the largest contribution is €000. The pack will be available until March 24.

La pancarta del Paquete para Ucrania que muestra los detalles del proyecto de recaudación de fondos

(Image credit: Parcel for Ukraine)

Analysis: The latest example of independent collective action

This is not the first time (*10*) independent developers have come together on to raise money for a good cause. The Racial Justice and Equality Package raised a staggering €8,000,000 in 2020 for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund, supporting anti-racism protests and the Black Lives Matter movement.

This bundle also included an impressive selection of (*10*) popular indie titles such as Anodyne, Pikuniku and Nuclear Throne, and was well received by gamers who wanted to not only buy a bunch of great video games at low prices, but also support a cause. Social. doing it. .

The Ukraine package is just the latest example of independent developers using their collective platforms to effectively raise funds. The grassroots organization of the project means that any developer who has published their game on can participate, giving fans a host of titles they may never have heard of along with several indie favorites they desperately want to play.

Given the response to the Ukraine Package so far and the rate at which donations have been accumulating, it seems more than likely that he will reach his goal of €1,000,000.