Forget about dark mode: Opera for Android also offers red, blue, purple and green

Forget about dark mode: Opera for Android also offers red, blue, purple and green

Hardly a day goes by without another site or app releasing a dark mode, but the latest version of Opera for Android goes even further and offers a selection of great colors. Different interface with light and dark variants (and taking a slight blast against Google and Apple in the process).

The new interface, called "Squircles", has smoother edges, a more modern flat design and a selection of gray, red, blue, purple and green colors. Each of these is available in black and sheer, giving you a total of 10 looks to choose from.

However, the update is not just about pretty colors. All of Opera's unusual features, including its free virtual private network (VPN) wallet and cryptocurrency, are now faster and easier to access, and easily accessible with a click of the thumb.

"Opera was one of the first apps to introduce a dark mode, long before iOS and Android. We are now preparing our browser for 2020," said Stefan Stjernelund, Opera's product manager for Android.

"Our new user interface philosophy is about emotions, about what people feel when using the product. They don't have the time and need to find what they want as quickly as possible. We meet this need with our new design. & # 39 ; & # 39;

Just hit

Opera also gave a huge boost to its browser's cryptocurrency through the support of Bitcoin. This means that you can make payments and transactions without an additional application or browser extension. Sending and receiving Bitcoins is now as easy as sharing an image.

"We want the Opera browser to set a new standard among browsers by providing the unique features that a modern browser should have," said Stjernelund. This version features a number of design changes that we can't wait to introduce to our fans. in the near future. "