Forget Android 10, Google has already confirmed Android 11

Forget Android 10, Google has already confirmed Android 11

Although Android 10 was only officially released in September 2019 and is only available on a limited range of smartphones, Google has already confirmed that its next operating system will 39, call Android 11.

This news comes as Google reveals the route for the Android Development Summit at the end of October. One of the events is titled "Limited Storage Prep on Android 11." This seems pretty undeniable, which is why Android 10 will soon be followed by Android 11.

The real surprise here is that Google confirms the name of Android 11 before its release, as in the past, the tech company used code names to refer to the software. Android 10 is called Android Q, Android 9 P, etc.

With the announcement of Android 10, Google is committed to establishing an organization system based on numbers instead of an alphabetic system. Today, it seems that code names are doing the same thing.

It's also important that Android 10 is confirmed just a few weeks before its release, but we already know that Android 11 is its successor even before Android 10 is available on most phones.

And what is scoped storage? This is a way of organizing the information and files that applications can access. The goal is to improve security as well as the speed of reading and writing applications. The feature was supposed to be part of Android 10, but was delayed due to developer complaints regarding the implementation.