Football Manager 2020 will play better on Google Stadia

Football Manager 2020 will play better on Google Stadia

Football Manager 2020 is coming to Google Stadia and, according to developer Sports Interactive, it will play faster on Google's new platform.

Although the developer has not announced any details on the new football management features, it has announced that Football Manager 2020 will be released in early November for PC, Mac, and as a launch title on Google Stadia.

Faster in stadiums

In a press release, Sports Interactive announced that "Football Manager 2020 will debut at Google Stadium and will be the fastest way to experience Football Manager."

"Football Manager on Stadia includes technology only available on this platform, which harnesses the power of Google's cloud and data centers to allow more matches to be processed in parallel, using the bandwidth available to the game. The entire system ".

"That means you can have more leagues loaded onto your back, or just have a faster experience by keeping the same number of leagues, but making sure the games are played faster than any other game." another platform ".

Last week, Google Stadia announced many games for the service.

So far there is only one exclusivity, but with titles like Football Manager 2020 (and it promises to be even more successful than on other platforms), Stadia is getting better and better by the day.