Facebook Libra loses support for Mastercard and Visa

Facebook Libra loses support for Mastercard and Visa

The future of Facebook Balance has been called into question after Mastercard and Visa became the latest contributors to withdraw support for the cryptocurrency.

The two payment giants gave up their support for Libra, which was aimed at providing a new way to pay friends, family, and businesses.

Facebook is about to launch Libra and its Calibra digital wallet next year, but it hasn't understood what form these two offerings will take. He said that he would not launch Libra until all the regulatory issues were resolved.


The news comes shortly after PayPal also announced plans to withdraw support for Libra, and eBay and Stripe also recently pulled out.

Libya revealed that 28 major companies had been designated as launch partners last June to help manage this project, which is being scrutinized by lawmakers around the world.

Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg will appear before the US Financial Services Committee on October 23 to answer questions about Libra.

The Libra Association was supposed to announce its founding members later this week, but the project has now lost a significant number of the top 28 supporters.

The launch of Mastercard and Visa leaves the Dutch company PayU in the range of the last payment provider still announced in the launch of Facebook Libra.

"We appreciate your support for the goals and mission of the Libra project," said a spokesperson for the Libra Association.

"While the Association's membership may evolve and change over time, Libra's governance and technology design principle, as well as the open nature of this project, ensure that Libra's payment network will remain resilient.

Via City AM