Essential apps to keep track of your health

Essential apps to keep track of your health

Keeping track of your health can be hard, but technology has eliminated your excuses forever. It's as easy as downloading an app to your phone or smartwatch, and you can pretty much track how and when you exercise. Since there's an app for just about everything, it's easy to switch between them and never compromise. This results in poor effort and poor results when it comes to keeping up with your fitness and health. Here are some of the apps that work best for exercising regularly, eating right, getting regular sleep, and drinking less alcohol.


Exercise is a big deal and the countless apps make it hard to decide which one is best for you. The first thing you should do is think about the exercise that interests you. If it's a cross section, an app like Nike + Training Club is a good idea because it integrates different workouts, from yoga to cross training. You can also customize a training period to start before starting your own routine. If you're looking for something more focused like a running, yoga, or swimming app, then options like Nike+ Run Club, Glo, and MySwimPro are all good options, as they're specifically designed to train and support you. the discipline you are focusing on. about. A good option is to have a training app specific to your preferred form of exercise and a more general multifunctional app. This way you open yourself up to trying new things, which is essential if you're trying to stay motivated, and is better for your overall fitness and health.


Keeping track of or at least being aware of what you eat has been a struggle ever since the idea that there are "bad" and "good" foods was invented. While it has become apparent over the years that there is no one-size-fits-all answer or solution, it does mean that you have many options to find what is right for you. While food trackers can be a problem for people with a history of disordered eating, others have found them helpful in becoming more aware of what they eat throughout the day. A good option is MyFitnessPal, it has a great database of foods so you don't have to calculate calories yourself and don't want to embarrass yourself for going over budget. If calorie counting isn't your thing, apps that inspire you to eat healthier with great recipe options are also a good option. Plant-based apps like Deliciously Ella, Kitchen Stories, and Look and Cook offer a huge variety of dishes to suit different seasons, experience levels, and grocery stores.


This is a bit of a taboo in South Africa, but drinking alcohol has been shown to consistently worsen your health. We're not talking about a glass of wine with dinner, but consistent bottles over a week or weekend. Although it is not alcoholism, the damage to his liver and mental condition is not significant. If you want to reduce your drinking but need a little help, apps like DrinkControl, DrinkCoach, and SayingWhen are great as they are non-judgmental platforms that seek to identify the effects of drinking. of alcohol instead of being a simple counter for your drinks. . DrinkControl will show you how much you've saved by not buying a drink, DrinkCoach gives you access to community support along the way, and SayingWhen will identify how drinking is interfering with your overall lifestyle.


Sleep, or rather lack of sleep, is bad for your health. A bad night's sleep leads to mood swings, lack of productivity and, over a long period of time, your health suffers. There is no quick fix for insomnia, but there are many apps that have tried to find solutions. Headspace and Calm are meditation apps that have "sleep schedules." These are 45-minute bedtime stories for adults that aim to help you lose yourself. Another option is a white noise app called Noisli. You can choose from a variety of sounds to help you relax, from a lively cafe to the rain outside your window. It can also be customized to change overnight. Finally, there are journaling apps like Reflectly that offer prompts and help guide your thoughts so you can clear your head before bed.