Enjoy an Android productivity update

Enjoy an Android productivity update
            Eh, tú.  Si tú.  El hermoso homínido que hay con un teléfono Android en los pantalones.  ¿Y si te dijera que este teléfono, el mismo que arrastras y meces como un bebé todo el día, tiene una pantalla de inicio secundaria a la que puedes acceder desde cualquier lugar sin importar lo que estés haciendo en el dispositivo?  ¿Que con un solo toque, puede acceder a atajos sobrealimentados para todo, desde sus aplicaciones favoritas hasta herramientas que ahorran tiempo e incluso acceso con un clic a funciones avanzadas del sistema?
Now, what if I told you that this power-packed personal productivity panel is actually the Quick Settings section of your Android phone, the same boring set of buttons you see, and probably are looking at, past every time you look at your notifications. ? And that all you had to do was take 10 minutes to transform him and unleash his inner beast? Well, my dear, I am telling you all these things. And they are all true, because a turkey has no tact. (Trust me: these birds are very tactless.) All poultry credentials aside, Android's Quick Settings panel really has the potential to become one of the most convenient and powerful features on your phone, but most Android-carrying mammals don't see it. .Never for what it is: a versatile command center that can expand the capabilities of your phone and make it significantly more efficient. Today, it's time for you to harness that power and join the club of the most demanding productivity professionals.

Get to know your Android personal productivity dashboard

First of all, let me ask you a question: What kind of things do you do several times a day on your Android device? If you're like most people I know, the answer probably includes actions like opening specific apps, saving to your calendar, creating new calendar events, opening specific web pages, and sending text messages or emails (or maybe even , gasp!) Make calls. to certain people. It might also include taking a look at your phone's battery level, pulling out a calculator, and perhaps opening a specific document or Drive file. And yet, when you look at the Quick Settings panels on most Android phones, what do you see most prominently? Most of the time, you see things like a Wi-Fi switch, a bluetooth switch, a switch to turn your mobile data connection on and off, and a switch to turn the auto-rotate screen feature on or off. You might also see an airplane mode switch and perhaps a battery information tile that doesn't tell you the current battery level or do anything particularly useful. These are most likely not functions that you depend on multiple times a day. And yet, they occupy a part of the first level virtual space, that space full of potential that is never more than a sweep. Do you see the problem? Today I would like to introduce you to a transformation tool called Shortcut, which is free with an optional $2 upgrade for some of its more advanced features. Members of my Android Intelligence Platinum program have heard me mention the app in different contexts before, but the short version is that Shortcutter allows you to add all sorts of really useful features into this quick settings area: the exact types of items for everyday use. . . we were talking a second ago. Doing so allows you to keep these commands close at hand and makes them easily available from anywhere on Android. And thus, it allows you to skip all sorts of heavy steps and saves you mountains of precious time. Using Shortcutter is pretty straightforward, once you know what to do. When you first open the app, you'll want to tap on the section of your home screen titled "Download." There you will find all the categories of commands that the program makes available for inclusion in the Quick Settings section of your phone. Configuración rápida de Android: menú contextualJR Shortcutter Quick Settings Options - Wow, Nelly, that's a lot of ham! I realize there is a lot to take in, and some parts are more useful than others. Let me cite some particularly practical possibilities worth exploring: Configuración rápida de Android: calculadora flotanteJR The Shortcutter Floating Calculator: Reduced, on the left, and developed and ready to use, on the right. Configuración rápida de Android: atajosJR Selecting the "Shortcut" option allows you to choose from a variety of advanced features in the application. Configuración rápida de Android: mosaicos de acciónJR The "Action Tiles" category offers tons of possibilities to save time. Configuración rápida de Android: comandos personalizadosJR Shortcutter optimizations working, on all tiles except two views here. There's a lot more of course, but these are the possibilities that I think will be most useful to most people. Once you find and activate the options you want, all you have to do is place them in the active area of ​​your Quick Settings panel. On Google's stock version of Android, you can do this by swiping down twice from the top of the screen, then tapping the pencil icon in the bottom left corner of the panel. Some phone manufacturers arbitrarily change this interface for no apparent reason; on a Samsung phone, for example, you swipe down twice, then tap the three-dot menu icon and select "Button Order" to get to the same location, but you should somehow find a vaguely similar option available somewhere in that neighborhood. And when you do, you'll find all the shortcut commands you've added to the mix at the bottom of the list, most likely in an area for inactive tiles that aren't even visible in the Quick Settings panel. Well drag these bad boys out and put them somewhere prominent. And think carefully about the order of your tiles as you're at it, whether you're looking at the options you've just added or thinking about your phone's default Quick Settings tiles. In particular, pay close attention to the top six on the list. On most Android phones, these are the places that appear with a single swipe down from the top of the screen, right above notifications, so be sure to put the commands you're likely to use, most often, in these superior levels. places so that they are the quickest and easiest to access. When you're done, your Android quick settings panel will be developed, optimized, and most importantly, customized for you. It is a great improvement. And it didn't even take you more than 10 minutes. Want even more Google insight? Sign up for my weekly newsletter to get top-notch insights and tips delivered straight to your inbox. Boletín de AI
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