Elden Ring Patch 1.05 Isn't Exciting, But You Should Download It Anyway

The Elden Ring patch 1.05 has arrived, bringing with it a host of bug fixes for the action RPG, but some particularly exciting changes.

The latest update for Elden Ring, which is out now, focuses on improving the stability and balance of the game. The patch notes (opens in a new tab) detail fixes for abilities not triggering or working properly, buggy NPCs, weapon issues, and a bug. that sometimes caused Malenia to appear with low health.

Load times on the Xbox Series X version of the game have also been improved, and the online multiplayer connection between PS4 and PS5 players has been made more stable. In-game text has also been adjusted in some places, and an issue has been fixed that prevented some players from triggering Grace's next site after taking down Starscourge Radahn.

Elsewhere in the patch notes, publisher Bandai Namco lists a few changes that will come in handy if you're on a second read. When trading with Twin Maiden Husk, some Bell Bearing items have been changed to "its released status carries over" to New Game+ games.

Additional sound effects have also been added, notifying you when another player's summon sign appears. The patch also "emphasized the choice of Sacred Flask and various other upgradeable options in the Grace menu," though it's unclear what specifically was changed.

Elden Ring has had no shortage of updates since its release earlier this year. The patches introduced major balance changes, fixed some buggy bosses, and restored Radahn's pacing. They also gradually changed the game map of Elden Ring without anyone noticing.

Check out the full 1.05 patch notes below.

Elden Ring 1.05 Patch Notes

Malenia and Elden Ring

(Image credit: Bandai Namco)

Error correction

Additional elements

Additions and changes for PC version only