CEO of EE just made the best case for 5G yet

CEO of EE just made the best case for 5G yet

We know that 5G has been around for some time, but we have tried to understand why high-tech companies are so interested in the new standard. Of course, it is faster and more reliable than 4G, but 4G is not enough? Who needs the fastest internet we already have?

We were promised cloud gaming would be great on 5G phones and Netflix streams could be downloaded at a glance, but we have Wi-Fi for that, don't we? do not?

However, Marc Allera, CEO of telecom company EE, spoke about the launch of the company's 5G network in London and gave an example of why we embrace 5G, and that makes perfect sense.

Allera compared 5G to 4G: when it was announced, people said it would be useless, but we used it early in our day to do things we didn't dream of doing 3G.

For example, Allera mentioned applications such as Uber, Instagram and Spotify, which use 4G networks with considerable impact. I could not order and follow a 3G taxi, view and download images or download songs. It's something we barely knew we wanted to do before we could do it.

We now use our phone for these tasks every day and it has become so standardized that we do it on both Wi-Fi and 4G networks when on the go.

In fact, Allera says that instead of looking for a reason to use 5G, we should simply embrace it and see what useful features will appear along the way.

It's a pretty vague plan, but the 4G comparison is very worthwhile. In a few years, our list of the most used applications could be completely different from the ones we used previously.

For some, the future of 5G may seem cloudy, but others may see the sun pass through these clouds, and there could be many useful functions for 5G that we will discover once we are connected.