Doom Eternal can run at 1000 FPS with the right hardware

Doom Eternal can run at 1000 FPS with the right hardware

As far as Doom Eternal id goes, the software is excellent, with great 4K visuals and, apparently, a frame rate that tops out at 1000 frames per second. If you have the right equipment, of course. In a recent video with IGN, id Software's lead engine programmer Billy Kahn explained that the big improvements with the id Tech 7 engine have resulted in "bigger explosions" and Doom's "vibrant looking" #39 particle effects. Eternal as well as this high frame rate possible According to Kahn, with Doom Eternal "if you have the right hardware you could hit 1000 frames per second."

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He goes on to say that "there's really no upper limit," adding "I had some hardware here locally that we built just for testing, where we had scenes working within 400 frames per second." This is a vast improvement over the 250 frames per second that Kahn says was achieved by the developer's id Tech 6 engine used in the development of Doom 2016. The benefit of this maxing out is that it not only makes Doom Eternal more beautiful now, but it means it will stand the test of time for years to come, allowing gamers to take the game with them by upgrading their hardware. "It will evolve with the hardware you have," Kahn says, "from very old hardware to newer hardware that may not even be on the market." This kind of scalability is great for those who play on PC, as it means they should see a performance improvement with every update they make. But it also bodes well for console users. id Software has previously stated in an interview with Metro that it would be "logical" to try to integrate the next generation of consoles, Xbox Series X and PS5. Kahn initially discusses the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro improvements that were made possible with id Tech 7 in the video, but also adds that "id Tech 7 will work well on next-gen platforms," ​​alluding to some "really cool plans" for the future, without saying anything too specific. Doom Eternal is coming to consoles and PC on March 20, so there really isn't much time to wait. In our hands-on time with the game, we were delighted with its "pure energy" and "frenzied action", making it one of our most anticipated games of 2020.