Demon's Souls almost had an easy way for you not to die all the time

Demon's Souls almost had an easy way for you not to die all the time

Demon's Souls is stupidly difficult at times, but also amazing. However, it could have been a lot easier if developer Bluepoint Games had followed through on their idea of ​​adding an easy mode. In an interview with the Washington Post, Sony Interactive Entertainment Studios head Gavin Moore revealed that a discussion had taken place to make the game more accessible to newcomers, but the idea was later scrapped. “Although we have made some changes, our main motto has always been to preserve the spirit and intent of the original creators. As we imagined and discussed an easy mode, we ultimately decided that it wasn't our role, just to be the stewards of this amazing game, to add something that would fundamentally change its balance. While Demon's Souls is likely to wear you out with its propensity for violence, Sony has at least tried to offer support to players. The PS5 maps have plenty of how-to videos, 180 to be exact, even offering tips, tactics, or sometimes just a warning. Bluepoint Games has also worked hard to ensure that the game can be enjoyed by more people than ever before. “For those who suffer from a color vision deficit, we have added the ability to change the UI palette. Some players are sensitive to certain types of screen movement, so we've included a toggle for motion blur and device shake. Moore said. In-game use of haptic feedback and adaptive triggers can also be disabled.

Die die die darling

We really enjoyed the game, noting in our Demon's Souls review that the game is "a brutal and often punishing affair, but the sheer joy it delivers to those who stubbornly persevere is worth fighting for." The PS5 is finally available worldwide and we're helping you find out where to buy a PS5 in the US and how to buy a PS5 in the UK. Sony's console is still a hot property, so keep an eye on TechRadar if you weren't able to pre-order the system in September. Today's Best Deals Demon's Souls (PS5) Demon's Souls - PlayStation 5 Demon's Souls - PlayStation 5