Cyberpunk 2077 in Unreal Engine 5 shows us the night city that we could have had

Cyberpunk 2077 in Unreal Engine 5 shows us the night city that we could have had

A new tech demo has surfaced online showing what Cyberpunk 2077 would look like if rendered in Unreal Engine 5, and there's absolutely no reason for developers to use their own in-house tech right now.(*5*)

The tech demo, courtesy of Enfant Terrible, features a stunning reimagining of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City that puts the original to shame. You can refer to the technical demo below and see for yourself.(*5*)

Enfant Terrible has some other pretty impressive tech demos on its YouTube page, including videos envisioning new versions of Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space, as well as Mass Effect 4 in development. Each of them, along with the Cyberpunk 2077 demo, really shows the power and potential of UE5.(*5*)

Analysis: Seriously, why would anyone use anything other than Unreal Engine 5?

We certainly understand that many studios feel valued by their own internal engines and technologies. They have worked very hard to produce them over the years and tailor them specifically to their type of game.(*5*)

But it is really useless. In reality, studios don't want to pay Epic Games license fees to use the engine for the games they publish, and that's a big mistake. You can either spend a substantial portion of your budget on building in-house tools and upgrading an outdated game engine, or you can turn that money over to Epic.(*5*)

You're going to spend that money, and your old engine probably won't look as good as Unreal Engine 5. Proof of that is the demos we see game after game, or the recent viral train station demo that looks so realistic. . I would mistake it for a cell phone video until the turn midway through the video. (*5*)

That's probably why Mass Effect 4 is going to be an Unreal Engine 5 game, and given what we've seen, it's all the more exciting for it. Last month it was announced that The Witcher 4 is also being developed in UE5, and it really makes us think about what might have been if Cyberpunk 2077 had been produced now instead of spending a decade in development hell trying to squeeze the latest out of it. . little life outside of REDengine. Maybe we will see it in Cyberpunk 2078?(*5*)