Cyberpunk 2077: A Game Edition of the Year Announced by CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077: A Game Edition of the Year Announced by CD Projekt Red

CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 was finally released after numerous delays on December 10, 2020. It has come under heavy criticism where critics and players alike have complained about massive bugs in the game. Since then, the developers have introduced a number of updates and fixes to fix bugs and broken functionality. And now the developers have announced Cyberpunk 2077: Game of the Year which will include all the updates and fixes that the developers have introduced so far. CD Projekt Red wrote in a press release that the definitive version of Cyberpunk 2077 will arrive this fall. “For players who want to fully enjoy the Cyberpunk experience, all the content we have released so far is in one place. It includes the 1.1 patch, the 1.2 patch, and all the fixes we made in the last 6 months to prevent people from refunding their copy. This is the complete incomplete edition. ", the CD Projekt Red press release reads. "Whether you love it or hate it, we can all agree that Cyberpunk 2077 was hands down one of the games released last year. It was a huge surprise and we think it's something to honor." We wrote in our review that, unfortunate mechanical glitches aside, Cyberpunk 2077 is an ambitious and deeply fun RPG that evokes poignant comparisons to the good old days of Fallout and Deus. Ex. It comes with excellent graphics, systems, immersive simulation and captivating quest design.Therefore, this Cyberpunk 2077: A Game of the Year, could actually be a good place to enter the game world for those who haven't yet. played. In fact, CEO Adam Kicinski said that the company would keep updating the game to keep it from dying. This new edition of the game means it could be a good option for those who played the game when it was released to review it.