Create the best online store with PrestaShop

Create the best online store with PrestaShop The prestashop modules They allow you to create quality online stores, they are add-ons that add extra functions to e-commerce in terms of personalization of e-commerce, to improve the customer's browsing and shopping experience. The functionality of the modules includes: The installation of the prestashop modules is simple, first the module must be downloaded to be able to configure it, these can be installed automatically or installed manually. Steps to install a prestashop module automatically Enter your online store and perform the following procedure: If the module is acquired on another platform, it must be downloaded to the computer, the file is decompressed, to carry out the following steps: Steps to install a prestashop module manually The modules can be installed manually, to do so you just have to upload the file by ftp, then it is unzipped in modules, when it appears available in the list you give the add option

What are the PrestaShop modules?

The different modules available in prestashop include: 1.- Modules to improve the appearance of the store These modules improve the appearance of the store in its aesthetics and content, some plugins include: 2.- Advertising modules They are used to promote the online store, the most downloaded are: 3.- Featured products Key function to highlight electronic commerce products, the configuration is simple, the products to highlight and the category with the description are chosen, they can be random or fixed. The availability of modules in prestashop is extensive, because each type of e-commerce requires modules with specific characteristics that fit their needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of using PrestaShop

PrestaShop works as a content manager, which offers a series of advantages and disadvantages when using it, it has relevant points that differentiate it from the competition Advantages Disadvantages In conclusion, PrestaShop is a hosting site for online stores, which acts as a content manager to optimize e-commerce, giving its users innovative service features that maximize e-commerce performance.