Borderlands 3 is pretty much the same craziness, and it's true that we wanted to

Borderlands 3 is pretty much the same craziness, and it's true that we wanted to

Analysis: Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 is finally here. The long-awaited sequel to the franchise that launched the loot-like genre was officially released on September 13, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Among the many controversies in which some producers and former employees were involved in the development of the game, Borderlands 3, which had everything to please a troublesome exit, managed to exceed our expectations and offer the best experience of its kind.

Do you want to hear a story?

Borderlands 3 continues the story featured in this year's DLC, Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary, in which the Crimson Raiders lose a map of every vault in the universe, and their role as the new chest hunter, to aid them. Lilith recovering this letter from the hands of the new villains in the series.

Tyreene and Troy are the two new villains to appear in Borderlands 3. Well I'll be up front, they're fine, but they can't beat handsome Jack. That said, the two brothers are banners and have managed to create a new cult, Children of the Vault, which brings together all of Pandora's bandit clans under the same banner. The duo often play on the brutality of the world of Pandora and dream of opening The Great Vault with the card they just received after robbing Lilith.

Cave hunters

The game features four new safe hunters, each with different abilities and varied building possibilities. They are:

Zane - The character has various accessories to aid him in combat. You can create a digi-clone with the same weapon as your character, a drone to help combat or, if you prefer a stronger build, create a barrier that absorbs damage and increases that of your allies. Zane also has a unique ability among the characters in the Borderlands franchise - he is the only one who can equip 2 different abilities by dropping his grenade.

FL4K - One of the best characters to use if you decide to play alone. They (because FL4K is a non-binary character, it will be the pronoun used so don't be surprised) have a partner to help them fight baddies, from a Skag to a monkey with a rifle! In addition, they also have three different skill trees, focused on critics, supporting their team, and one focused exclusively on their pet companion.

Amara: the mermaid of the game, Amara is the character for you who likes to solve problems with her fists. Or with fire, shock, corrosion and all the other elements of the game. This allows for interesting diversity in his skill tree and he can become a tank or damage machine.

Moze - Plays the same role as Vault Hunter, like Roland in Borderlands 1 and Axton in Borderlands 2, but instead of having a turret to help her fight, she has a Mecha named Iron Bear. Moze has interesting versions too, so you can choose to never lose ammo, as well as dramatically increase your damage, the fewer points you have.

Conclusion: This time, Gearbox was right to create Vault Hunters, creating four new characters with interesting abilities and builds, which makes you want to place all four characters at level 50.

New planets, new scenarios and technical difficulties.

In Borderlands 3, we didn't stick to Pandora like in previous games (I deliberately ignore Pre-Sequel). We are navigating various planets in the Borderlands universe! Exciting, isn't it?

No. The idea itself is good, but as we saw earlier, especially in Borderlands 2, Pandora has always introduced us to various biomes. So even though the idea of ​​traveling on different planets is pretty cool, it wasn't what we thought. .

But traveling from a highly technologically advanced planet to an essentially swampy and desert planet is pleasant and allows us not to tire of the same scenarios. And oh, it's worth saying that each planet, even though I have a specific "theme," he commented, has several areas. With the exception of Athenas, which is a shame, it wasn't as explored as the other planets in the game.

As we are talking about the mood, I will appreciate and comment on the soundtrack of the game, which is one of the best I have been able to enjoy in 2019. Every boss fight has a song that helps You to be more excited to shoot this sponge of giant ball. in front of you.

But unfortunately not everything is flourishing. The game has a number of performance issues, not only on the normal PS4 console I played on, but also on other consoles and on PC. On the normal PlayStation 4, I saw very slow loading screens, as well as errors that forced me to abandon the search, return to the game's social hub, and then try again to see if the game allowed me to progress through the mission. Back on PC, I have seen reports of the game crashing randomly at different times.

Play alone or with your friends

As is customary in the Borderlands franchise, you can play alone or with up to three friends, for a total of 4 people. This applies to both online and offline screen sharing! That's right, there is a developer who remembers the existence of our beloved sofa.

The way the game rewards you for playing with your friends (if you don't have any friends with Borderlands, you can join the Random People game online), it's the best way to drop rarer items. However, it should be noted that in this mode, the number of enemies the party faces also increases exponentially.


Borderlands 3 is everything a shooter would want to be. It has a decent story and good enough that you want to know what will happen, four different characters that encourage you to play, and an excellent title to play with friends.

The downside is having to deal with annoying glitches, but all of this can easily be fixed with a future fix. Overall, Borderlands 3 is a game that will keep a lot of people hungry for a long time.