Black Lives Matter - Here's How You Can Help Now

Black Lives Matter - Here's How You Can Help Now

On May 25, George Floyd was killed when police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, sparking outrage and protests over police brutality and the murder of black American police officers. . LaComparacion affirms this truth: that Black Lives Matter. We know that protests can cause confusion and difficult feelings among our readers. We'd like to share resources that can help you better understand why millions of people have marched across cities in the United States (and around the world) to oppose a system we believe unfairly targets, jails, and murders Black Americans. We explore how we can support Black lives and the Black Lives Matter movement as individuals and as a publication, through daily actions and changes within TechRadar. In the meantime, we'd like to help further the cause with a list of works by Black artists, Black voices to amplify, and various causes and non-profits you can donate to.

What is Black Lives Matter?

Black Lives Matter is a human rights movement created to raise awareness about racial injustice, police brutality, and the unlawful killing of African Americans in the United States. Founded in 2013 after Trayvon Martin's killer was acquitted of the murder, the organization continues to advocate for Black lives with petitions, resources, and programs. BLM's mission is "to eradicate white supremacy and strengthen local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes." The inclusive group "also affirms the lives of black queer and trans people, people with disabilities, people who are undocumented, people with backgrounds, women, and all black lives on the gender spectrum. "Like the universal truth that Black Lives Matter, Black voices and creative visions count too. Because so much of what we see in film, television, literature, and more centers on the experiences of white people, it pays to focus and make efforts to support and expose yourself to media and literature created by black people. To that end, our global team has put together some recommendations for film noir, books, YouTubers, and more. Movies: BlacKkKlansman 13 Black Panther The last black man in San Francisco. Fruitvale Station Sorry to bother you Hidden Figures YouTubers: MKBHD Lamarr Wilson UrAvgConsumer Books: Darkly: Black History and America's Gothic Soul by Leila Taylor How To Be Anti-Racist By Ibram X Kendi Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Colorblind Age by Michelle Alexander If you don't know where to start, Ijeoma Oluo's rented book So You Want To Talk About Race is a starting point to help you talk about racism, prejudices and privileges. Beyond that, if you want to learn about the historical issues facing black Americans, Ta-Nehisi Coates's essay in The Atlantic makes the case for reparations, exploring how the US government. UU. It could remedy the disparity in generational wealth caused by slavery, segregation and Jim Crow in recent centuries. @Jaybeware on Twitter also has a very informative Twitter feed on dismantling the police force and abolishing prisons, which we recommend you read, as mentioned above, Angela Davis' book, Are Prisons Obsolete? ? It is also a good resource on this topic. There's also an excellent anti-racist playlist on Bad Form specially created to help curious readers learn. And if you're a white guy looking to be a good ally, check out For Our White Friends Who Want to Be Allies by Courtney Ariel on Sojourners. Be aware of what your BIPOC friends and acquaintances are going through right now, and don't ask them to take it upon themselves to educate or explain what is happening.

How to Support Black-Owned Businesses

In the age of online shopping, it's easy to directly support black-owned businesses. Check out this glamorous collection of trendy black-owned online stores, which you can check out, while SheKnows has a list of black-owned brands specializing in baby and children's products. Many of these roundups will be regional, like this Bustle article listing UK black-owned businesses, so you need to be specific when Google searches for ``Buy Black ___''. If you want to search via your mobile device, try the Black Wall Street app or Black Application Nation.

How can you help

Right now there are protests all over the world and people who are standing up and defending black lives need as much help as they can get. If you don't know the cause, it can be really hard to find a way to help constructively. One of the most important things you can do is reach out to and check in with the Black people in your life, whether they are close friends, family, associates, or colleagues. Things are difficult for them right now, and offering your support is essential right now. And most importantly, listen to what they have to say. Listening is a radical action, do it. At times like these, it's important to take care of your mental well-being. If you or others around you are struggling, check out this great list of African-American-focused mental health organizations at Black Girls Smile. There is also a similar article by Jesse Sparks on Bon Appetit. It's also important to make sure you post your support on social media, but there are a few things you need to know. Do not identify or mark protesters without their consent. You should also avoid sharing images of protesters that do not have blurred faces, as this could lead to people being identified and attacked after protests. And when you enforce curfews, pay attention to your neighbors and don't put anyone in danger. For example, consider the safety of the employees of the services you use: the dangers of the protest have led services like Uber and Lyft to temporarily suspend their services. If a food delivery service in your area is still operating, consider the safety of those who may be forced to deliver to you in a dangerous situation. You can also donate to a number of different organizations that will provide resources where they are needed most. Especially if you don't feel comfortable coming out and protesting, it can be a big help to support the cause. We've collected a few notable ones below, but there are dozens in there. Finally, you can sign some petitions to show your support. A Color for Change petition demands justice for the murder of George Floyd. Similarly, a petition calls directly on Mayor Jacob Frey and District Attorney Mike Freeman to bring Floyd's killers to justice. TechRadar Commitment: We know actions speak louder than words, so instead of just saying we're going to diversify, we're actively making changes to do so within our team, and we'll have more to share in the weeks to come. regular auditing of the diversity of our output, proactively seeking out new and varied voices for the site, and finding ways to attract new and young BAME talent into our industry, offering them the ongoing support they need to thrive. If you have a suggestion for something that should be included here, please contact us at [email protected].