Best iPad Games 2019

Best iPad Games 2019
The iPhone has revolutionized multi-touch gaming, but the iPad has provided a wider canvas and greater power for immersive and expansive experiences. Apple's tablet remains a powerful and compelling gaming device, whether you're into innovative touchscreen gaming or using a controller for a more console experience. Whatever you prefer, the best games are on our lists. Check back every week for our latest favourite.

iPad Game of the Week: Pipe Push Paradise ($3.99 / £3.99 / AU$5.99)

Pipe Push Paradise is a puzzle game about pipes. You have arrived on a deserted island where the plumbing is very dangerous. The goal is to run the water, but not in the usual way. Here, the pipes are massive and scattered around claustrophobic rooms with a grid. The only way to make things work is to put them in place. Here, there's more than a hint of offbeat games like Sokoban, but Pipe Push Paradise adds twists. Move the tubes a certain way and they spin. Other times, they must be dumped in pits. These new ideas radically upset things and complicate puzzles that would otherwise have been simple. Although the orders are sometimes finicky, Pipe Push Paradise turns out to be an excellent sun brainwashing machine.