Bayonetta and Vanquish have their remasters confirmed for February 2020

Bayonetta and Vanquish have their remasters confirmed for February 2020
To everyone's surprise (thanks to the Microsoft Store for the leak), SEGA announced the Bayonetta & Vanquish 4th Anniversary Pack for PlayStation 4 only, but since the Microsoft Store has released this information first, it's likely that the pack will also be released. on Xbox One. The Bayonetta & Vanquish 18th Anniversary Bundle has been released to celebrate the 2020th anniversary of the release of the two titles here in the West and if you haven't played Bayonetta or Vanquish yet, you don't know what to expect The Bundle will feature some frenetic action on PlayStation XNUMX and likely Xbox One on February XNUMX, XNUMX. Check out the trailer below to help ease the anxiety of replaying these modern classics.